On Dec. 20, Ballotpedia published its year-end analysis of the 202 local ballot measures across 27 states in the 100 largest U.S. cities and state capitals. Ballotpedia’s year-end report breaks down the measures by type, by state, by topic, by outcome, and by election date. Here are some highlights from the report:
- There were 202 local measures on the ballot for voters in the top 100 largest cities and state capitals in the U.S. in 2021.
- 141 (69.8%) were approved, and 61 (30.2%) were defeated.
- Ballotpedia covered local ballot measures in 27 states in 2021. Texas (44 measures – 21.7%), Colorado (21 measures – 10.4%), and New Mexico (16 measures – 7.9%) were the three states with the most local measures covered.
- Local measures were on the ballot in the top 100 cities and state capitals on 13 different election dates in 2021. Nov. 2 had the largest number of local measures with 137 (67.8%).
- Ballotpedia covered 12 notable police-related local ballot measures in 2021. Seven measures were approved, and five were defeated.
- 69 of the local measures were bond issues, and 55 were tax measures.
- 13 measures were related to elections, campaigns, and voting policy.
- 31 (15.4%) of the measures were citizen-initiated measures placed on the ballot through signature drives. The remaining 171 (84.7%) were referred to the ballot by local legislative bodies, such as county boards, city councils, school boards, special district boards, and charter revision commissions.

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