Category: 2024 elections

  • 32% of last February’s elections were uncontested

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    Throughout February, Ballotpedia covered 346 elections in 15 states, 32% of which were uncontested. The rate has increased since January when 24% of the 25 covered were uncontested. Ballotpedia defines an uncontested election as one where the number of candidates running is less than or equal to the number of seats up for election. This…

  • What to know about state legislative seats that changed party control in 2024

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    Image of donkey and elephant to symbolize the Democratic and Republican parties.

    In the Nov. 5, 2024, elections, Republicans gained 55 state legislative seats, Democrats lost 54, and Independents and minor party officeholders lost one. That means the overall partisan composition across all 50 state legislatures changed by 0.7% in favor of Republicans. In 2022, the partisan composition changed 0.4% toward Republicans, with Democrats losing four seats,…

  • Fifty-eight minor party candidates received more votes than the margin-of-victory (MOV) in the 2024 elections

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    In 2024, 58 minor party or independent candidates received more votes than the margin of victory in their election. Margins of victory can be used to measure electoral competitiveness or political party or candidate strength. This page identifies those elections where the difference between the winning and losing candidates was smaller than the number of…

  • 6,541 candidates responded to Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey in 2024

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    Since 2018, Ballotpedia has invited candidates to take part in our Candidate Connection initiative. We survey candidates at the federal, state, and local levels to help voters better understand how their candidates think about the world and how they intend to govern. A total of 6,541 candidates from all 50 states, four territories, and the…

  • California voters decided on the highest number of local ballot measures in more than a decade

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    In 2024, California voters decided on 842 local ballot measures on five different election dates. This is the greatest number of local ballot measures decided in California from 2014 to 2024. Voters decided most of the ballot measures during the general election on Nov. 5, 2024, when 697 local measures were on the ballot. However,…

  • 44% of December’s elections were uncontested

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    Throughout December, Ballotpedia covered 123 elections in 13 states, 44% of which were uncontested. That’s down from November, when 65% of the 40,710 covered were uncontested. Ballotpedia defines an uncontested election as one where the number of candidates running is less than or equal to the number of seats up for election. This analysis does…

  • 98% of voters approve Maine school board recall

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    Voters approved a recall election against Kirstin Shapiro, member of the Regional School Unit 21 Board of School Directors in Maine, on December 17, 2024. A total of 171 voters cast ballots in favor of the recall, and three voters cast ballots against it, according to unofficial election night results. Shapiro resigned from her position…

  • More state supreme court incumbents lost in 2024 elections than any year since at least 2008

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    In 2024, 82 state supreme court seats were up for election. Incumbents ran for re-election in 70 races (85%). Incumbents won re-election in 62 races and lost in eight others. This figure marked the highest total number of losses in a single year since in 2008, and tied 2008 for the lowest total percentage of…

  • Fifteen U.S. House incumbents lost their re-election campaigns this year

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    When the 119th Congress takes office on Jan. 3, 2025, there will be 15 new members of the U.S. House of Representatives who defeated incumbents in a primary or general election this year. Since 2014, 125 U.S. House incumbents—49 Democrats and 72 Republicans—have lost in a primary or general election each year. That’s an average…

  • Missouri is the 39th state to legalize sports betting after ballot initiative approval. Where else is it legalized?

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    After Missouri voters approved Amendment 2 on Nov. 5, 2024, Missouri became the 39th state to legalize sports betting. After the results of the election were certified on Dec. 5, 2024, sports betting officially became legal in the state. Voters approved Amendment 2, with 50.05% voting in favor and 49.95% opposing. While sports betting is…