As of June 13, 2023, 31 statewide measures have been certified for the ballot in eight states for elections in 2023. That’s 12 more measures than the average number (19) certified at this point in other odd-numbered years from 2011 to 2021. The number certified—31—is also the highest number of any of those years.
For 2024, 40 statewide measures have been certified in 20 states. That’s one more measure than the average number certified at this point from 2010 to 2022.
Here’s an update on the latest ballot measure activity.
Four new measures were certified for the 2023 ballot last week, all in Louisiana:
- Louisiana Ban on Private or Foreign Funding of Election Costs Amendment
- Louisiana Property Tax Exemptions for First Responders Amendment
- Louisiana Remove Constitutional References to Inactive State Funds Amendment
- Louisiana Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund Amendment
Two new measures were certified for the 2024 ballot last week:
- Arizona Emergency Declarations Amendment
- Arizona Signature Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment
One initiative submitted signatures and is pending verification in Michigan:
Signatures were verified for three indirect initiatives in Maine, and the initiatives are now before legislators, who have until the end of the current legislative session to approve, reject, or take no action on the proposals (the latter two options send the initiatives to the Nov. 2023 ballot):
- Maine Prohibit Foreign Spending in Elections Initiative
- Maine Voter Approval of Borrowing Above $1 Billion by State Entities and Electric Cooperatives Initiative
- Maine “Right to Repair Law” Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative
In Ohio, one initiative to legalize marijuana was certified to the Legislature, which had four months to act on the proposal; as the Legislature took no action, a second 90-day signature-gathering period commenced on May 3.

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