Update on 2024 state ballot measure certifications: five new measures, 33 pending signature verification, and one moved to 2026 ballot

For 2024, 125 statewide ballot measures have been certified for the ballot in 37 states, three fewer measures than the average (128) for this point in the election cycle from 2012 to 2022. The average number of statewide ballot measures certified for an even-numbered year during this period was 157.

Here’s an update on the ballot measure activity during the past two weeks.

Five ballot measures were certified in three states—California, Nevada, and North Carolina:

In California, the following six ballot measures were removed from the 2024 ballot by the June 27 ballot finalization deadline:

Another measure in California was moved from the 2024 ballot to the 2026 ballot.

Signatures have been submitted and are pending verification for 33 initiatives in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Washington, D.C.

Ten states had ballot initiative signature deadlines since June 25.

  • June 26: Nevada
  • June 27: California
  • July 3: Arizona, Nebraska, and Ohio
  • July 5: Arkansas, Oregon, and Washington
  • July 8: Michigan and North Dakota

The next initiative signature deadline is Aug. 5 in Colorado.

The following chart shows the number of ballot measures certified each week of an even-numbered year.


2024 ballot measures