In 2023, voters in six states decided on 32 constitutional amendments—the highest number of constitutional amendments on the ballot during an odd-numbered year since 2003. Voters approved 27 of the 32 proposed constitutional changes in 2023 for an approval rate of 84.38%. During odd-numbered years since 2007, an average of 23 constitutional amendments appeared on…
Starting in 2024, New York will implement new language requirements for state ballot questions. On Nov. 17, 2023, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed Senate Bill 1381 (SB 1381), which requires state ballot measure questions to be written using clear language and not exceed an eighth-grade reading level. In the Legislature, SB 1381 received a unanimous…
In 2023, 41 statewide measures were certified for the ballot in eight states, 10 more measures than the average number certified in other odd-numbered years from 2011 to 2021. There are no more pending state ballot measures for 2023. The next—and final—election for state ballot measures is on Sat., Nov. 18 in Louisiana, where voters will…
Voters in Ohio approved Issue 1 on Nov. 7, 2023. Issue 1 provided a state constitutional right to abortion, among other reproductive matters. The vote was 56.62% ‘Yes’ to 43.38% ‘No’. Ohio Issue 1 is the fourth ballot measure to provide a state constitutional right to abortion. In 2022, voters in three other states—California, Michigan,…
In 2023, seven local jurisdictions voted on local ballot measures to adopt or repeal ranked-choice voting, which is the second-highest number of measures in a year behind 2022 which had nine. Voters in East Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Royal Oak, Michigan, approved measures on Nov. 7 to adopt ranked-choice voting for local offices. The voting system…
Voters in Ohio will decide on an initiative, Issue 2, to legalize marijuana on Nov. 7. Issue 2 is not the first marijuana legalization that has been on the ballot in Ohio. In 2015, Ohio voters rejected an initiative, Issue 3, with 64% voting against the measure. The two initiatives differ in how facilities would…
In Ohio, voters will decide on Issue 1 on Nov. 7. Issue 1 would establish a state constitutional right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,” including abortion, contraception, and other reproductive matters. Issue 1 would allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s…
In 2023, $12.95 million was expended on signature drives for seven citizen-initiated ballot measures, including six that voters will decide on Nov. 7. Earlier in 2023, voters decided on a ballot initiative in Oklahoma. The average cost for the signature drives amounted to $1.85 million, ranging from $75,341 for Oklahoma State Question 820 to $6.65…
A total of $169.48 million has been contributed to either support or oppose 41 statewide ballot measures in eight states in 2023, surpassing the previous three odd-numbered-year election cycles. Campaigns received $107.41 million in 2021. In 2019, $28.36 million was received. In 2017, $108.76 million was received. In 2023, one state—Ohio—accounts for 63.23% of the…
The campaigns supporting and opposing Ohio Issue 1, an amendment that would provide a state constitutional right to abortion, received a combined $71.60 million in contributions, as of the most recent campaign finance reports on Oct. 26. Issue 1 would establish a state constitutional right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,” including…