Ten ballot measures concerning property taxes are on the ballot in eight states in 2024. Nine of the measures will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot, while one, in Louisiana, will be decided on in December. All ten measures were referred to the ballot by the states’ legislatures. During even-numbered years since 2014, there were…
Of the 26 states that allow for citizen-initiated ballot measures, 18 states will feature citizen initiatives on the ballot this year. Thirteen of these states had a higher-than-average number of initiatives certified for their respective statewide ballots this year as compared to even-year election cycles between 2010 and 2022. A total of 931 ballot initiatives…
What’s the story? Voters in Wisconsin defeated two constitutional amendments on August 13 related to state appropriations authority. The ballot measures proposed strengthening the state’s nondelegation doctrine—an administrative law principle that limits lawmakers’ ability to delegate legislative powers to executive agencies. The measures’ opponents argued the legislature would slow the distribution of federal funds if…
For 2024, 160 statewide ballot measures have been certified for the ballot in 41 states, which is two above the average (158) for this point in the election cycle from 2012 to 2022. The average number of statewide ballot measures certified for an even-numbered year during this period was 157. The final average, 157, is…
Marijuana has been a recurring trend for ballot measures since at least 2010, though there were a few before then. From 2010 to 2023, there were 24 ballot measures to legalize the recreational or personal use of marijuana. More than $174.83 million was raised between supporters ($146.98 million) and opponents ($27.85 million) of these ballot…
The Nebraska Secretary of State announced on Sept. 13 that two ballot initiatives to legalize and regulate medical marijuana were certified for the November ballot. The measures are initiated state statutes that needed valid signatures from 5% of the registered voters (86,499 signatures) in each of two-fifths (38) of Nebraska’s 93 counties. The secretary of state…
In November, voters will decide on 147 statewide ballot measures in 41 states. Earlier in 2024, voters in five states decided on nine ballot measures. In December, voters in Louisiana will decide on four more. That’s a total of 160 statewide ballot measures for 2024. There is one ballot initiative still pending signature verification in…
Voters in ten states—Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota—will decide on 11 abortion-related ballot measures in Nov. 2024. This is the most on record for a single year. Most recently, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that Amendment 3, which would amend the state constitution to provide for a…
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) issued an executive order placing State Question 832, the minimum wage increase initiative, on the June 16, 2026, primary election ballot. State Question 832 State Question 832, which was filed for the Nov. 2024 ballot, was designed to increase the state minimum wage to $9 per hour in 2025, $10.50…
Voters in Nebraska will decide on a veto referendum regarding a private education scholarship program on Nov. 5, 2024. On Sept. 5, 2024, Secretary of State Bob Evnen (R) announced that the referendum had qualified for the ballot. The veto referendum campaign, Support Our Schools, submitted 86,603 signatures on July 17. At least 61,308 signatures…