Category: Newsletters

  • Documenting America’s Path to Recovery: November 18, 2020 – Edition #132

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    We want to keep you updated during this time of rapid change in states’ coronavirus restrictions and policies. This will be the first mini edition of Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, which will provide updates on upcoming changes in the next 24 hours and details on what changed since our last edition, with none of…

  • Biden announces senior White House staff

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    Welcome to Ballotpedia’s Transition Tracker November 18, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election. The Electoral College will meet on December 14, 2020, to vote for the next president of the United States. In 2016, there were 1,714 government positions subject to presidential appointment: 1,242 positions…

  • Ballotpedia’s Daily Brew: Republicans gain in state legislative districts that intersect with Pivot Counties

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    Welcome to the Wednesday, Nov. 18, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Republicans to gain at least 30 state legislative seats in districts that intersect with Pivot Counties Alaska voters approve ranked-choice voting measure Rep. Cedric Richmond named member of Biden’s senior staff, will resign from Congress Republicans to…

  • Biden names campaign manager O’Malley Dillon deputy chief of staff

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    Welcome to Ballotpedia’s Transition Tracker November 17, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election. The Electoral College will meet on December 14, 2020, to vote for the next president of the United States. In 2016, there were 1,714 government positions subject to presidential appointment: 1,242 positions…

  • Documenting America’s Path to Recovery: November 17, 2020

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    Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states and summarize major changes due to the coronavirus pandemic in politics, government, and elections. Today we look at: New coronavirus restrictions in Washington An expanded mask mandate in West Virginia State-level mask requirements Lawsuits about state actions…

  • Ballotpedia’s Daily Brew: Introducing Ballotpedia’s state supreme court partisanship study

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    Welcome to the Tuesday, Nov. 17, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Introducing Ballotpedia’s supreme court partisanship study Three states split presidential and gubernatorial vote in 2020 Alaska state Legislature elections could influence trifecta status, legislature majorities Introducing Ballotpedia’s supreme court partisanship study Today, I’m excited to brief you…

  • Ballotpedia’s Daily Brew: The makeup of the federal judiciary

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    Welcome to the Monday, Nov. 16, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Under Trump, Republican-appointed majorities in circuit courts doubled Wyoming amendment concerning municipal debt for sewage systems fails due to non-votes Upcoming elections Number of federal circuit courts with a majority of judges appointed by Republican presidents has…

  • Union Station: November 13, 2020

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    Welcome to Union Station, our weekly newsletter that keeps you abreast of the legislation, national trends, and public debate surrounding public-sector union policy. Seventh Circuit weighs challenge to Wisconsin’s Act 10 On Nov. 13, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit heard oral arguments in a challenge to Wisconsin’s…

  • Documenting America’s Path to Recovery: November 12, 2020

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    %%subject%% A daily summary of major changes in the world of politics, government, and elections happening each day   Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states and summarize major changes due to the coronavirus pandemic in politics, government, and elections. Today we look at:…

  • In wake of election, 25 lawsuits filed over election’s conduct

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    %%subject%% Post-election lawsuits have been filed in five states    Sponsored by Probolsky Research Welcome to The Ballot Bulletin, where we track developments in election policy at the federal, state, and local levels. Each issue includes an in-depth feature—such as an interview or legislative analysis—and discussions of recent events relating to electoral and primary systems, redistricting, and…