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Every weekday, Ballotpedia tracks the news, events, and results of the 2020 presidential election. Notable Quotes of the Week “One might argue our digital age is immune to history’s lessons, or suggest that Biden’s low-key campaign is little match for his opponent’s ability to drive news cycles. Those still scarred by Hillary Clinton’s surprising defeat…
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June 19, 2020: Donald Trump is requesting a fourth general election debate with Joe Biden. Amy Klobuchar removed herself from consideration for Democratic vice presidential nominee. Each Friday, we highlight a presidential candidate’s key campaign staffer. Pete Kavanaugh is a Democratic staffer with experience in campaign strategy and political organizing. Kavanaugh graduated with a B.A. in…
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Each day, we: Track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Compare the status of one industry or activity across the country. Provide in-depth summaries of the latest reopening plans. Give you the latest stories on other reopening plans and ideas. Want to know what happened yesterday? Click here. The next two days What…
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June 18, 2020: Joe Biden launched a $15 million ad campaign in battleground states. The Lincoln Project released an ad questioning Donald Trump’s health. Notable Quote of the Day “One might argue our digital age is immune to history’s lessons, or suggest that Biden’s low-key campaign is little match for his opponent’s ability to drive news…
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Each day, we: Track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Compare the status of one industry or activity across the country. Provide in-depth summaries of the latest reopening plans. Give you the latest stories on other reopening plans and ideas. Want to know what happened Tuesday? Click here. The next two days What…
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June 2 primaries mark highest concentration of voting activity since March On June 2, nine states held statewide primary elections (and the District of Columbia conducted its district-wide primary). This represented the busiest single day of voting since March 3. The reason? The COVID-19 outbreak prompted a series of election postponements and other modifications. How…
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This week: Riggleman is third incumbent to lose nominating contest in 2020, Trump endorses Messner in Senate primary in NH, Plurality of voters undecided on challenge to Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes On the news Where do Republican and conservative pundits and commentators disagree? Each week, we bring you excerpts that highlight differing views. On…
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This week: Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, and KY’s two largest newspapers endorse Booker for Senate, Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC makes first-ever expenditure, Steve Marchand not running for governor of New Hampshire On the news Where do Democratic and progressive pundits and commentators disagree? Each week, we bring you excerpts that highlight differing views. On protests and coronavirus…
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June 17, 2020: The Democratic National Committee launched its first television ad against Donald Trump in four years. An Oklahoma judge denied an emergency motion to block Trump’s rally in Tulsa. Notable Quote of the Day “Recent polls have suggested Biden might hold an even stronger position in other states [than Texas] that Trump…
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Each day, we: Track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Compare the status of one industry or activity across the country. Provide in-depth summaries of the latest reopening plans. Give you the latest stories on other reopening plans and ideas. Want to know what happened Monday? Click here. The next two days What…