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Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Today we look at Florida’s move into Phase 3 of reopening, new guidance for nursing home visitations in Missouri, travel restrictions, and more. Want to know what happened yesterday? Click here. The next 72 hours What is…
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Welcome to Union Station, our weekly newsletter that keeps you abreast of the legislation, national trends, and public debate surrounding public-sector union policy. Ninth Circuit rejects challenge to dues deduction practices for public-sector union members in Washington On Sept. 16, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected a challenge…
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September 25, 2020: Donald Trump is scheduled to visit South Florida, Georgia, and Virginia on Friday. Jo Jorgensen released a list of her potential nominees for the Supreme Court of the United States. Notable Quote of the Day “But it looks increasingly unlikely that we’ll be able to declare an election-night winner in Michigan, Pennsylvania and…
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Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Today we look at a change in travel restrictions in Maine, North Dakota’s new risk level designations for 15 counties, a featured lawsuit, and more. Want to know what happened yesterday? Click here. Since our last edition…
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September 24, 2020: When asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election, Donald Trump responded, “We’re going to have to see what happens.” Senate Republicans released their interim report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine. Notable Quote of the Day “Joe Biden knows that if he gets a majority…
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In the last two weeks, a court order and a settlement have resulted in modifications to several mail-in voting procedures in Pennsylvania. State directs counties not to reject ballots due to signature mismatch On Sept. 14, the League of Women Voters and the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh dropped a lawsuit against the state after…
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September 23, 2020: Debate moderator Chris Wallace announced the six topics for the first presidential debate. Maine will use ranked-choice voting in the presidential election. Notable Quote of the Day “While everyone is talking about the significance of extending the mail-ballot deadline, it is the naked ballot ruling that is going to cause electoral chaos.” –…
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Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Today we look at outdoor venue reopenings in North Carolina, the easing of international travel restrictions in North Dakota, school reopenings, and more. Want to know what happened yesterday? Click here. Since our last edition What is…
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September 22, 2020: The Biden campaign is spending $65 million on ads this week in 12 states. Jo Jorgensen completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. Notable Quote of the Day “But the way Biden behaved in the primary debates isn’t necessarily a great guide to how he will show up against Trump—a fact that the president and…
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Welcome to the 100th edition of Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Today we look at the extension of New Mexico’s stay-at-home order, the expansion of indoor dining in Maryland, mask mandates, and more. Want to know what happened Friday? Click here. Since our last…