Category: Newsletters

  • Percentage of open seats in state executive and legislative elections at decade-high

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    Welcome to the Friday, July 21, Brew.  Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Odd-year open seat rate currently at a decade-high with further increases likely Ohio Proposal 1 is one of five bills or resolutions passed in 2023 that could make the initiative process more difficult #FridayTrivia: Which vice-president is…

  • SCOTUS strikes down student debt cancellation plan, takes up case on agency enforcement authority

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    The Checks and Balances Letter delivers news and information from Ballotpedia’s Administrative State Project, including pivotal actions at the federal and state levels related to the separation of powers, due process, and the rule of law. This edition:  In this month’s edition of Checks and Balances, we review the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down…

  • Californians to decide on repealing Proposition 8, which prohibited same-sex marriage

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    Welcome to the Thursday, July 20, Brew.  Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Californians to decide on repealing Proposition 8, which prohibited same-sex marriage University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Professor Paru Shah talks school board elections in the latest episode of On the Ballot Despite increase among Republicans, contested primaries in Mississippi…

  • Hall Pass: Your Ticket to Understanding School Board Politics, Edition #69

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    Welcome to Hall Pass, a newsletter written to keep you plugged into the conversations driving school board politics and governance. In today’s edition, you’ll find: On the issues: The debate over Lifeline Scholarships in Pennsylvania In your district: reader replies on learning loss Share candidate endorsements with us!  School board filing deadlines, election results, and…

  • 945 state legislative special elections since 2010

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    Welcome to the Wednesday, July 19, Brew.  Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: There have been 945 state legislative special elections since 2010 Harris ties Calhoun for most vice presidential tie-breaking votes in U.S. history Ballotpedia’s Volunteer Fellows Program applications are open! There have been 945 state legislative special elections…

  • Financial Services Committee holds four hearings targeting ESG policies

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    Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG developments this week In Washington, D.C. Financial Services Committee holds four hearings targeting ESG policies The House Republican…

  • 19.3% of all state legislator censures have occurred in 2023

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    Welcome to the Tuesday, July 18, Brew.  In yesterday’s edition, an editing mistake led us to incorrectly write that the following state legislators switched parties in 2023 from Republican to Democrat: Francis Thompson (LA House), Tricia, Cotham (N.C. House), Jeremy LaCombe (LA House), David Pritt (W.V. House), and Mesha Mainor (GA House). Those lawmakers actually…

  • State legislative party switches in 2023 occurring at twice the 30-year average

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    Welcome to the Monday, July 17, Brew.  Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: State legislative party switches in 2023 occurring at twice the 30-year average Nine candidates running in nonpartisan primary for mayor of Wichita, Kansas A look at some of this cycle’s presidential campaign managers State legislative party switches…

  • The Ballot Bulletin: Ballotpedia’s Weekly Digest on Election Administration, July 14, 2023

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    States have enacted 78 more bills this year than at the same point in 2022. Welcome to The Ballot Bulletin: Ballotpedia’s Weekly Digest on Election Administration. Every Friday, we deliver the latest updates on election policy around the country, including legislative activity, nationwide trends, and recent news. In each issue, you’ll find updates on legislative…

  • ICYMI: Top stories of the week

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    Each week, we bring you a collection of the most viewed stories from The Daily Brew, condensed. Here are the top stories from the week of July 10-14. A primer on primaries The laws governing primary elections vary from state to state and can even vary within states by locality and political party. That’s become…