Category: Uncategorized

  • Bargaining in Blue 

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    In this month’s edition of Bargaining in Blue:  On the beat Colorado Department of Labor and Employment finds police management guilty of unfair labor practices The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) on Nov. 1 released a determination finding the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office guilty of unfair labor practices. Sheriff Darren Weekly, Undersheriff David…

  • ICYMI: Top stories of the week

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    We’re back! Ballotpedia’s Holiday Cookie Election has begun. Cast your vote today!  We are stocking up on flour, breaking out the sprinkles, and dusting off the cookie cutters. ‘Tis the season for holiday cookies! Do you have a favorite cookie, maybe one to pair with a cup of cocoa? Last year, incumbent Chocolate Cookie defeated…

  • ICYMI: Top stories of the week

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    A look at the 753 members of Congress and state legislators who ran for a different office in 2024 This year, 753 members of Congress and state legislators, including 27 members of Congress and 726 state legislators, ran for a different office than the one to which they were elected. The combined success rate of…

  • 25 state attorneys general challenge Ninth Circuit ruling on citizen standing

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    In this edition of Checks and Balances: Federal stories: State story: Commentary: Regulatory Tally: In Washington 25 state attorneys general challenge Ninth Circuit ruling on citizen standing  What’s the story? A group of 25 Republican attorneys general filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 28, challenging a United States Court of…

  • A look at some of the most notable votes on religion in public schools over the past 100 years

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    Welcome to the Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024, Brew.  By: Ethan Sorell Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Voters have addressed ballot measures on religion in public schools at least nine times during the past 100 years As a part of Ballotpedia’s coverage of ballot measures, we analyze historical trends across…

  • Ballot measure campaign contributions top $1.1 billion this year, cost-per-required-signature hits record high

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    Welcome to the Friday, Nov. 1, Brew.  By: Mercedes Yanora and Samuel Wonacott Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Ballot measure campaign contributions top $1.1 billion this year, cost-per-required-signature hits record high As of Oct. 30, individuals and groups have contributed $1.12 billion to support or oppose this year’s 159…

  • Bargaining in Blue 

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    In this month’s edition of Bargaining in Blue:  On the beat Voters in Lafayette, Colorado consider ballot measure to allow police collective bargaining  Voters in Lafayette, Colorado, will decide on a ballot initiative on November 5 determining whether the city’s police officers should be allowed to engage in collective bargaining.  If voters approve the measure,…

  • Ballotpedia’s top 15 ballot measures and trends to watch on election day

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    Welcome to the Wednesday, Oct. 23, Brew.  By: Ethan Sorell Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Ballotpedia’s top 15 ballot measures and trends to watch on election day By year’s end, voters will have decided on 159 statewide ballot measures, the most since 2018 when voters decided on 167 measures.…

  • ICYMI: Top stories of the week

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    50 states in 25 days—let’s preview the country’s elections Election Day is fast approaching! As such, Ballotpedia began its election previews earlier this week. We will be covering 50 states in 25 days. In this week’s Brews we previewed elections in Minnesota, South Dakota, Virginia, Vermont, Illinois, Oregon, California, Maine, Indiana, and Montana. Check out…

  • The Ballot Bulletin: Ballotpedia’s Weekly Digest on Election Administration, September 20, 2024

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    Nearly 60% of bills enacted this year have been in states with Republican trifectas. Welcome to The Ballot Bulletin: Ballotpedia’s Weekly Digest on Election Administration. Every Friday, we deliver the latest updates on election policy around the country, including nationwide trends and recent legislative activity.  In this week’s Ballot Bulletin, we cover 10 bills state…