Tag: arizona

  • Arizona voters have decided 476 ballot measures since 1911

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    Ballotpedia completed an inventory of all Arizona ballot measures since 1911, the year before statehood, and when voters adopted the initiative and referendum process. Between 1911 and 2024, Arizonans voted on 476 ballot measures. Two hundred and fifty-one (251) measures were approved, and 225 measures were defeated. In Arizona, measures can be placed on the…

  • State supreme court vacancy count for October 2024

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    In this month’s state supreme court vacancy update, Ballotpedia tracked announced retirements, nominations, appointments, confirmations, and the swearing-in of justices from October 1, 2024, to November 1, 2024. Ballotpedia tracks court vacancies in all 52 state supreme courts. Announced retirements: In October 2024, one justice resigned. Robert Brutinel stepped down from the Arizona Supreme Court…

  • Arizona voters defeat ballot measure to establish REINS-style oversight of agency rulemaking

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    Voters in Arizona defeated a ballot measure on Nov. 5 related to legislative oversight of agency rulemaking.  The measure, Proposition 315, would have required legislative ratification of proposed rules estimated to increase regulatory costs by more than $500,000 over five years before they could take effect. The measure was defeated by a vote of 53.2%…

  • Arizona voters to consider competing measures, Propositions 133 and 140, on election systems

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    Voters in Arizona will decide on competing measures related to electoral systems—the methods used to conduct elections and count votes to determine winners. Republicans in the Arizona State Legislature voted to place Proposition 133 on the ballot, while Proposition 140 is a citizen-initiated ballot measure from the Make Elections Fair PAC. Proposition 133 would add…

  • All 60 seats in the Arizona House of Representatives are up for election on Nov. 5, 2024

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    Elections for the Arizona House of Representatives will take place in 2024. The general election is on November 5, 2024. The primary was July 30, 2024. The filing deadline was April 1, 2024. The Arizona House of Representatives is one of 85 state legislative chambers with elections in 2024. There are 99 chambers throughout the…

  • 56% of elections in Arizona are uncontested

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    Of 577 regular elections in Arizona—321 (56%) are uncontested. An uncontested election is one where the number of candidates on the ballot is less than or equal to the number of seats up for election.  Of the 24 states where Ballotpedia is covering every election on Nov. 5, Arizona has the 15th highest rate of…

  • All 30 seats in the Arizona Senate are up for election on November 5

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    Elections for the Arizona State Senate will take place in 2024. The general election is on Nov. 5, 2024. The primary was July 30, 2024. The filing deadline was April 1, 2024. Arizona is one of 44 states holding legislative elections for 85 of 99 state legislative chambers. All 30 seats in the state Senate…

  • Two seats on the Arizona Supreme Court are up for retention election on November 5

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    Two of the seven justices on the Arizona Supreme Court—Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King—are up for retention elections on Nov. 5, 2024. In Arizona, governors select all supreme court justices from a list of names that the Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments compiles. Once appointed, justices serve at least two years on the…

  • Four presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Arizona this November

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    Arizona’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature four presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: This is the same number of candidates Arizona had on its presidential ballot in three of the five elections held since 2008. In 2020, Arizona’s ballot had three candidates: Joe Biden (D), Donald Trump (R), Jo Jorgensen…

  • Voters in Arizona and Nebraska will decide on competing ballot measures related to electoral systems and abortion, respectively, on Nov. 5

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    On Nov. 5, 2024, voters will decide on two sets of competing ballot measures: two in Nebraska related to abortion, and two in Arizona related to electoral systems. Two or more initiatives may qualify for the same ballot but conflict with one another. Constitutional amendments affect statutory measures but not vice-versa. When both are statutes,…