Four statewide measures are certified for the 2025 ballot in one state—Louisiana—as of Nov. 26, 2024. For 2026, eight statewide measures have been certified for the ballot in six states. 2025 ballot measures During the past two weeks, four constitutional amendments were certified in Louisiana for a special election on March 29, 2025: 2026 ballot…
Voters have decided on at least nine ballot measures related to religion in public schools during the past 100 years. The decade with the highest number was in the 1970s, when voters decided on four between 1970 and 1972. Topics included the Ten Commandments, the Bible, prayer and contemplation, religious clothing, excused absence for religious…
Voters in Nevada approved two citizen-initiated constitutional amendments on Nov. 5. Question 6 would provide for a state constitutional right to an abortion. Question 7 would establish voter ID requirements in the state. Voters rejected Question 3, which would have established top-five primaries and ranked-choice voting for general elections. Nov. 5 was the second election…
On Tuesday, South Dakota voters approved Amendment F, amending the South Dakota Constitution to allow the state to set work requirements for Medicaid if approved by the federal government. The measure was passed 56% to 44% per the unofficial results. The federal government does not establish work requirements for Medicaid. States that wish to add…
Voters in Arizona defeated a ballot measure on Nov. 5 related to legislative oversight of agency rulemaking. The measure, Proposition 315, would have required legislative ratification of proposed rules estimated to increase regulatory costs by more than $500,000 over five years before they could take effect. The measure was defeated by a vote of 53.2%…
Voters decided on 12 education-related state ballot measures—the most in 18 years— on the November 5, 2024, general election. Here are some highlights: Measures were on the ballot in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Utah. The measures regarded school choice programs and non-public education, standardized testing,…
Voters decided on 12 education-related ballot measures—the most in 18 years—on Nov. 5. The ballot measures covered various education-related topics, including school choice programs, non-public education, standardized testing, school board elections, and school governance and funding. Measures were on the ballot in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island,…
Voters in Arizona will decide on competing measures related to electoral systems—the methods used to conduct elections and count votes to determine winners. Republicans in the Arizona State Legislature voted to place Proposition 133 on the ballot, while Proposition 140 is a citizen-initiated ballot measure from the Make Elections Fair PAC. Proposition 133 would add…
Since 2010, Ballotpedia has tracked signature costs for ballot initiative campaigns, and this year marks the highest average cost-per-signature recorded so far. A ballot initiative is a citizen-initiated ballot measure. Signatures are collected to place the proposals on the ballot. In 2024, the average cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) rose to $14.87, up from $12.97 in 2022 and…
Voters in ten states—Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota—will decide on 11 abortion-related ballot measures in Nov. 2024. This is the most on record for a single year. Ten of these measures would provide for a state constitutional right to abortion, while one measure would place a constitutional…