Tag: battleground states

  • Thirteen gubernatorial battleground elections to take place in 2022

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    Thirty-six states will hold elections for governor in 2022. Of those, Ballotpedia has identified 13 as general election battlegrounds: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. These battleground races were selected using the following criteria: the results of the 2020 presidential election in each state, whether the…

  • 22 of Ballotpedia’s 57 federal battleground elections taking place in states with automatic recount procedures

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    Image of donkey and elephant to symbolize the Democratic and Republican parties.

    This November, 22 of the 57 U.S. House and Senate races Ballotpedia identified as battlegrounds are taking place in states where a close vote could automatically trigger a recount under state law. An automatic recount occurs if election results meet certain criteria laid out in state law. The most common trigger for an automatic recount…