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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. BlackRock warns SEC about its proposed ESG rule Last week, BlackRock –…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. Is an SEC ESG crackdown imminent? According to Bloomberg Law, a recent…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. NYC papers squabble over ESG and its opponents On August 5, the…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C., and around the world Proposed bill would clarify fiduciary duty of retirement…
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On July 26, 2022, the One Fair Wage campaign announced that it submitted more than 610,000 signatures to qualify a $15 minimum wage initiative for the Michigan ballot in 2024. The proposal is an indirect initiative, meaning, if enough signatures are verified, it goes to the state legislature first for consideration before being placed on…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C., and around the world Will the SEC’s proposed disclosure rule harm materiality…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. The SEC undoes Trump administration rules on proxy advisory services On July…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C., and around the world ESG pulling EU and the European Central Bank…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. Did the Supreme Court throw a wrench into the SEC’s plans? On…
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Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week In Washington, D.C. SEC climate disclosure rule comments submitted; BlackRock, others, pushing back on key…