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In this edition of Checks and Balances: Federal stories: State stories: Commentary: Regulatory Tally: In Washington U.S. House passes two administrative state bills What’s the story? The House of Representatives passed two administrative state bills in December—the Midnight Rules Relief Act and the Prove It Act. The bills proposed (1) allowing Congress to disapprove multiple…
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In this edition of Checks and Balances: Federal stories: State story: Commentary: Regulatory Tally: In Washington 25 state attorneys general challenge Ninth Circuit ruling on citizen standing What’s the story? A group of 25 Republican attorneys general filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 28, challenging a United States Court of…
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In this month’s edition of Bargaining in Blue: On the beat Voters in Lafayette, Colorado consider ballot measure to allow police collective bargaining Voters in Lafayette, Colorado, will decide on a ballot initiative on November 5 determining whether the city’s police officers should be allowed to engage in collective bargaining. If voters approve the measure,…