Tag: State news 2023

  • New Mexico Supreme Court issues one opinion from Feb. 6-12

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    The New Mexico Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 6-12. As of Feb. 12, the court issued three opinions in 2023—one fewer than this point a year ago. The one opinion is below: State v. Granados From Feb. 6-12, state supreme courts issued 195 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued the most with…

  • Iowa Supreme Court issues one opinion from Feb. 6-12

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    The Iowa Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 6-12. As of Feb. 12, the court issued 15 opinions in 2023—three more than this point a year ago. The one opinion is below: In re Subpoena Issued to Dethmers Manufacturing Co. v. Mittapalli From Feb. 6-12, state supreme courts issued 195 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania…

  • Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals issue nine opinions from Feb. 6-12

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    The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued seven opinions from Feb. 6-12. The Texas Supreme Court issued two opinions from Feb. 6-12. Both courts are the state’s courts of last resort. As of Feb. 12, the court of criminal appeals issued 48 opinions in 2023—17 more than this point a year ago. The supreme court…

  • How state Senates determine term lengths after redistricting

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    Most of the time, redistricting changes where a district is. But it can also change when incumbents must stand for re-election. This is most commonly the case in state senates, where senators often serve varying term lengths or staggered terms, meaning only a certain number of districts are up for election each cycle. Senators in…

  • Indiana lawmakers join ESG pushback

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    Members of the Indiana General Assembly’s House Financial Institutions Committee on February 2 passed a bill that would require the state to remove all pension funds from management by financial firms that support ESG or consider ESG criteria in investments: “A House committee on Thursday approved a bill requiring the state’s public pension system to…

  • San Antonio charter amendment regarding abortion, marijuana, and police actions has enough signatures for the May 6 ballot

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    On May 6, 2023, San Antonio voters will decide on a charter amendment regarding abortion, marijuana, and police actions. City officials announced on Feb. 8 that the amendment has enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. Last month, organizers for the amendment, including Act 4 SA and Ground Game Texas, submitted more than 37,000…

  • Tampa voters to decide city council and mayoral races

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    The general election for Tampa, Florida, is on March 7, 2023. The filing deadline to run passed on Jan. 20.  Candidates are competing for seven of seven city council seats, and all seven incumbents are running for re-election. Candidates are also competing for mayor of Tampa. Incumbent Jane Castor and Belinda Noah are running in…

  • Tampa voters to decide on four charter amendments at March 7 election

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    Elections for Tampa’s mayor and six of the seven city council members, as well as four charter amendments referred to the ballot by the city council, will be held on March 7. The charter amendments would: *provide that the mayor’s nominations for department heads and other city employees must be approved by four of the…

  • Average margin of victory in state legislative races was 27.7 percentage points in 2022

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    On November 8, 2022, 88 of the nation’s 99 state legislative chambers held regularly-scheduled elections for 6,278 seats. Across those races, the average margin of victory was 27.7 percentage points. This was the highest even-year average margin of victory of the last three even-year elections. The average state legislative margin of victory in 2020 was…

  • Wisconsin ballot measure to ask voter opinion on work requirements for welfare programs

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    The Wisconsin State Legislature on January 19 approved a ballot measure for the April 4, 2023, election that asks voters whether what the measure refers to as able-bodied, childless adults should be required to search for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits. The ballot measure, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R)…