The Colorado Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 20-26. As of Feb. 26, the court issued eight opinions in 2023—three fewer than this point a year ago. The one opinion is below: Colorado Property Tax Administrator v. CO2 Committee, Inc. From Feb. 20-26, state supreme courts issued 154 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court…
The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued five opinions from Feb. 20-26. As of Feb. 26, the court issued 12 opinions in 2023—two more than this point a year ago. The five opinions are below: State v. Thomas Office of Lawyer Regulation v. Judy R. Moats Office of Lawyer Regulation v. Mark Austin Cross Office of Lawyer…
The New Jersey Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 20-26. As of Feb. 26, the court issued 11 opinions in 2023—the same as this point a year ago. The one opinion is below: New Jersey v. Olenowski From Feb. 20-26, state supreme courts issued 154 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued the most…
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued nine opinions from Feb. 13-19. The Texas Supreme Court issued four opinions from Feb. 13-19. Both courts are the state’s courts of last resort. As of Feb. 19, the court of criminal appeals issued 57 opinions in 2023—23 more than this point a year ago. The supreme court…
The New York Court of Appeals issued five opinions from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb. 19, the court issued nine opinions in 2023—six fewer than this point a year ago. The five opinions are below: State v. New York State Public Employment Relations Bd. Bank of America, N.A. v. Kessler People v Rivera Hetelekides v.…
The New Jersey Supreme Court issued four opinions from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb. 19, the court issued 10 opinions in 2023—one fewer than this point a year ago. The four opinions are below: New Jersey v. Gomes Liberty Insurance Corp. v. Techdan, LLC Statewide Insurance Fund v. Star Insurance Company New Jersey v. Olenowski …
The Kentucky Supreme Court issued 18 opinions from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb. 19, the court issued 18opinions in 2023—no more or fewer than this point a year ago. The first 10 opinions are below: KENTUCKY BAR ASSOCIATION V. STEVEN O. THORNTON LISA M. WELLS V. KENTUCKY BAR ASSOCIATION KENTUCKY BAR ASSOCIATION V. ARTHUR JOSEPH…
The Iowa Supreme Court issued two opinions from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb. 19, the court issued 17opinions in 2023—no more or fewer than this point a year ago. This week’s opinions are below: Howsare v. Iowa District Court for Polk County Martinez v. State From Feb. 13-19, state supreme courts issued 233 opinions nationally.…
The Wisconsin State Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb. 19, the court issued seven opinions in 2023—one fewer than this point a year ago. The opinion is Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC v. City of Delavan. From Feb. 13-19, state supreme courts issued 233 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued…
The Florida Supreme Court issued two opinions from Feb. 13-19. As of Feb.19, the court issued 12 opinions in 2023—10 fewer than this point a year ago. The two opinions are listed below: Walls v. State Dillbeck v. State From Feb. 13-19, state supreme courts issued 233 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued the…