August 20, 2019: Julián Castro qualified for the third and fourth Democratic primary debates. Roughly half of the Democratic field will speak at the Frank LaMere Native American Presidential Forum.

Since 1824, how many winning presidential candidates have lost their home state?
Notable Quote of the Day
“There’s a fundamental values gap between the mainstream Democratic Party, which tends to be more socially liberal and cosmopolitan in its outlook, and rural and small-town voters. Unless a candidate can build bridges across that gap on the basis of values, it’s very difficult to make any policy proposal matter.
Right now, no one is building those bridges … [but] if you can move rural voters, even a few points, it becomes possible to win in states you can’t otherwise win.”
– Mark Mellman, Democratic pollster
- Steve Bullock, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Marianne Williamsonattended the Frank LaMere Native American Presidential Forum Monday in Sioux City, Iowa. Bill de Blasio, Julián Castro, John Delaney, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Sestak will speak at the forum on Tuesday.
- Michael Bennet is holding a meet and greet in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Tuesday.
- Joe Biden made his first television ad buy, spending six figures on airtime in three Iowa markets and a digital ad campaign.
- Cory Booker is hosting a happy hour campaign event in Los Angeles, California, Wednesday.
- Pete Buttigieg is holding a fundraising event Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois.
- Castro tweeted that he had reached with the polling requirement for the third and fourth Democratic presidential debates. Having already reached the fundraising threshold, he is the 10th candidate to qualify. Castro also issued a policy proposal on animal and wildlife protection.
- Kirsten Gillibrand said she was open to running for vice president if her campaign did not succeed. “I will do public service in all its forms,” she said. Gillibrand also released a mental health services policy proposal Tuesday calling for the expansion of community health centers and certified community behavioral clinics.
- Jay Inslee crossed the fundraising threshold of 130,000 unique contributors for the third and fourth Democratic primary debates. He needs four qualifying polls to make the stage.
- Seth Moulton will participate in the “Pints & Politics” series hosted by The Post and Courier in South Carolina Wednesday.
- Beto O’Rourke campaigned in Oklahoma Monday, holding a rally near the University of Oklahoma.
- Tim Ryan appeared on the Slate daily podcast The Gist.
- Tom Steyer spoke about his presidential campaign and climate change during an event at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco Monday.
- Warren held her first campaign event in Minnesota at Macalester College.
- Mike Pence spoke at the Detroit Economic Club Monday, reiterating Donald Trump’s messaging that the economy will decline if Trump is not reelected.
- The Washington Post Magazine profiled Bill Weld in an article titled, “Is Bill Weld the Hero Never Trumpers Have Been Waiting For?”
What We’re Reading
Flashback: August 20, 2015
TIME published its cover story interview with Donald Trump about presidential temperament, immigration, tax policy, and other issues.