August 19, 2019: Donald Trump confirmed that he would keep Mike Pence as his running mate in 2020. Bernie Sanders released his latest policy platform on criminal justice.
There are seven new candidates running since last week, including one Democrat, two Republicans, and one Libertarian. In total, 823 individuals are currently filed with the FEC to run for president.
Notable Quote of the Day
“When we hear the punditry talk about what happened in the Midwest, generally speaking they’ll say the Midwest swung toward Trump, right? Well, that’s only true in two states. In Iowa and Ohio, where Trump cracked 50%, you can genuinely say he won over voters in those states. The others — Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — Trump won those states by carrying only a plurality of the vote, and I would categorize that as a win by default. He won somewhere around 46 or 47% of the vote.
The reason that neither candidate was above 50% was that a huge numbers of voters in those states cast what we call protest ballots, and in the polarized era, the average that goes to a protest ballot is about 1.5%. …
So when you understand the role that third parties made in Trump’s victory there in the Midwest, and his inability to crack 50%, you realize that it’s a path to victory which was very complex.”
– Rachel Bitecofer, assistant director of the Judy Ford Wason Center for Public Policy
- Michael Bennet, Bill de Blasio, Julián Castro, John Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Seth Moulton, and Andrew Yang spoke to the Hillsborough County Democrats in New Hampshire Sunday.
- Mother Jones interviewed Bennet about his new book, Dividing America: How Russia Hacked Social Media and Democracy.
- Joe Biden raised more than 60 percent of his $13.2 million fundraising take since April in the first week of his campaign, according to an analysis by Politico.
- In an interview with Vox, Cory Booker discussed his gun policy platform and its gun licensing requirement.
- Steve Bullock criticized the Democratic National Committee’s debate criteria in an interview on Fox News Sunday.
- Kirsten Gillibrand attended a town hall in Missouri Sunday, where she discussed reproductive issues.
- Kamala Harris attended events and fundraisers in Martha’s Vineyard Friday and Saturday and the Hamptons Sunday.
- Jay Inslee discussed climate change in an interview Sunday on MSNBC’s Kasie DC.
- Moulton spoke at the Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair Saturday, making him the final candidate to take that stage.
- Beto O’Rourke visited a gun show Saturday in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he met with gun sellers and owners to discuss his policy.
- Tim Ryan spoke at a gun legislation rally Saturday in Cleveland, Ohio.
- Bernie Sanders issued his criminal justice plan Saturday, calling for ending cash bail, solitary confinement, and civil asset forfeiture. His plan would also establish safe injection sites for the medically supervised use of illegal drugs and require the attorney general to investigate the deaths of individuals in police custody.
- Joe Sestak campaigned in Iowa over the weekend.
- Tom Steyer is leaving the campaign trail for a week to report for jury duty.
- Elizabeth Warren released several proposals related to Native American issuesFriday, including revoking the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline permits, expanding a grant program for affordable housing on reservations, and restoring tribal sovereignty over crimes on native land.
- Marianne Williamson campaigned Saturday in Santa Barbara, California.
What We’re Reading
Flashback: August 19, 2015
Martin O’Malley held a press conference in front of Trump International Hotel Las Vegas on labor issues and the 2016 election.