September 6, 2019: Howard Schultz announced Friday that he would not run for president. South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, and Kansas are expected to cancel their presidential primaries.

Each Friday, we’ll highlight a presidential candidate’s key campaign staffer.

Erin Wilson is a Democratic staffer with extensive experience in Pennsylvania politics. Wilson graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in political science and government in 2005.
Previous campaign work:
- 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, Pennsylvania deputy state director
- 2008 Bob Roggio (D-Penn.) U.S. House campaign, senior advisor
- 2006 Bob Casey (D-Penn.) U.S. Senate campaign, deputy political director
- 2004 Joe Hoeffel (D-Penn.) U.S. Senate campaign, political coordinator
Other experience:
- 2017-2019: Office of Sen. Bob Casey, state director
- 2014-2016: Democratic National Committee, Northeast political director
- 2007-2014: Office of Sen. Bob Casey
- 2011-2014: Deputy state director
- 2009-2011: Director of outreach and special projects
- 2007-2009: Regional representative
- 2005-2006: Office of Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-Ill.), assistant to the first lady
- 2002-2004: Rock the Vote, Philadelphia street team leader
Notable Quote of the Day
“While the ability to generate big crowds is certainly nice — it may signal enthusiasm among highly engaged voters or produce favorable media coverage — you should ignore any candidate, surrogate or media outlet that tells you that large crowd sizes mean that the polls are underestimating a candidate’s support. It’s just spin; polls are much more accurate at forecasting elections than crowd-size estimates, which don’t tell us all that much.
For every example like 2008, when then-Sen. Barack Obama’s huge crowds seemed to reflect real enthusiasm for his campaign, there is one like 2012, when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won his primary despite drawing noticeably small crowds on the campaign trail. Or take what happened in 2016. Despite a lot of hay being made about crowd sizes during the 2016 campaign, that cycle also was an argument against crowd sizes being predictive. Although now-President Trump did often draw large crowds at his primary rallies, Hillary Clinton reportedly beat him out for largest crowd of the 2016 campaign, 40,000 to 30,000. And at roughly this point in the Democratic primary in 2016, Sen. Bernie Sanders was outdrawing Clinton!”
– Nathaniel Rakich, FiveThirtyEight
- Nineteen Democratic candidates—all but Wayne Messam—are expected to appear at the New Hampshire Democratic Convention over the weekend.
- The Human Rights Campaign Foundation will host a presidential town hall on CNN about LGBT issues on Oct. 10. Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Julián Castro, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Elizabeth Warren are set to attend. Other presidential candidates may join the event in the coming weeks.
- Michael Bennet will campaign in Massachusetts Friday and New Hampshire Saturday.
- Biden will make his first visit to Alabama as a presidential candidate on Sunday. Politico profiled his southern state strategy and the importance of South Carolina to his campaign.
- In an interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Bill de Blasio discussed his mayoral experience, automation, and gun buyback programs.
- BuzzFeed News profiled Cory Booker in an article titled, “Will Cory Booker’s America Rise?”
- Buttigieg spoke about Afghanistan, his Episcopalian faith, and climate change on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday night. Buttigieg made his first television ad buy of the campaign, spending $87,000 in Iowa markets.
- John Delaney issued his digital privacy and technology platform on Thursday, which includes federal legislation modeled after the California Consumer Privacy Act, protections for consumers who opt out of data collection, and a requirement that companies obtain informed consent before recording and storing private conversations through communication devices.
- Tulsi Gabbard spoke at the “Politics & Eggs” series in New Hampshire on Thursday. She will remain in the state through Saturday.
- Bernie Sanders will speak at Iowa State University Sunday as part of his college tailgate tour.
- Joe Sestak discussed his campaign strategy in an interview on CBS News Thursday.
- In an interview with CNBC, Tom Steyer discussed why he did not believe his wealth should disqualify him in the Democratic primary.
- Andrew Yang said he would not run as a third-party candidate if he lost the Democratic nomination because it would increase Trump’s chances of winning.
- Donald Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale will headline the California Republican Convention.
- Joe Walsh responded to reports that Republican parties in South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, and Kansas were expected to cancel their presidential primaries. He said, “It’s wrong, the RNC should be ashamed of itself, and I think it does show that Trump is afraid of a serious primary challenge because he knows his support is very soft.”
- Bill Weld also criticized the planned cancellations, saying, “We don’t elect presidents by acclamation in America. Donald Trump is doing his best to make the Republican Party his own personal club. Republicans deserve better.”
- South Carolina GOP Chairman Drew McKissick defended the plan, saying, “As a general rule, when either party has an incumbent president in the White House, there’s no rationale to hold a primary.”
On the Cusp: Tracking Potential Candidates
- Howard Schultz announced Friday that he would not run for president. “My belief in the need to reform our two-party system has not wavered, but I have concluded that an independent campaign for the White House is not how I can best serve our country at this time,” he wrote in a statement.
What We’re Reading
Flashback: September 6, 2015
After reaching a $1 million crowdfunding goal, Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig said that he was running for president.