Trump campaign spokeswoman appointed White House press secretary

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing
April 8, 2020: Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany replaced Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary. Priorities USA is releasing seven digital ads that criticize Donald Trump for his response to the pandemic.  blank    blankblank   

Ballotpedia is monitoring changes made to election dates and procedures in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the presidential primary updates you need to know:

  • Wisconsin: In-person voting took place on Tuesday. Election results will not be made public until April 13.

Notable Quote of the Day

“But the traditional ways that candidates and political parties raise money is just not happening anymore. Instead, there are virtual fundraisers, which may not be as lucrative.

The biggest factor in fundraising, however, could be the larger economic collapse that is under way. The bedrock of modern political fundraising is to have a wide base of low-dollar contributors. Today, many of these regular people have lost a job, had pay reduced, gotten sick, and are looking to spend $15 on paper towels, not on the future of the Supreme Court.

This is where wealthy donors could play an outsized role in this campaign, more than ever before. A few people can give an unlimited amount of money to an organization, which can spend a record amount on ads for just a few weeks. Here’s looking at you, Mike Bloomberg and Sheldon Adelson.”

– James Pindell, The Boston Globe


  • Joe Biden wrote a message to Jewish families celebrating Passover during the pandemic on the Medium website.

  • Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio) endorsed Biden on Tuesday, marking Biden’s 16th endorsement from a U.S. senator.

  • Bernie Sanders held a livestream discussion Tuesday night on the disproportionate effect the coronavirus pandemic is having on black Americans.


  • Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany replaced Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary on Tuesday.

General Election Updates

  • Priorities USA is releasing seven digital ads on Wednesday that criticize Donald Trump for his response to the pandemic. They include news clips, medical professionals, and statements from Trump.

Flashback: April 8, 2016

Bernie Sanders announced that he would visit Vatican City four days before the New York state primary.

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