Biden campaign indicates super PAC preference

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing
April 16, 2020: The Joe Biden campaign indicated its super PAC preference for Priorities USA over Unite the Country in a statement on Wednesday. Trump Victory, the joint fundraising committee formed by the Donald Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, is establishing finance chairs in all 50 states. blank    blankblank   

Ballotpedia is monitoring changes made to election dates and procedures in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the presidential primary updates you need to know:

  • Louisiana: The presidential primary was postponed a second time from June 20 to July 11. It was originally scheduled for April 4.

Notable Quote of the Day

“Online popularity doesn’t always lead to electoral success. (If it did, New Yorkers would be listening to daily coronavirus briefings from Gov. Cynthia Nixon.) But underestimating the internet’s influence is a mistake, too. In 2016, Mr. Trump’s surging popularity among the internet’s grass roots was a bellwether that indicated his candidacy might be stronger than it appeared in traditional polls. Conversely, Mr. Biden’s lack of support from meme makers and viral-content mavens could signal trouble ahead. …

Mr. Biden’s biggest problem is structural. Most of our online political communication takes place on internet platforms that are designed to amplify content that provokes strong emotional reactions, often by reinforcing tribal identities. Mr. Trump’s unfiltered, combative style is a natural fit for the hyperpolarized audiences on Facebook and Twitter, whereas Mr. Biden’s more conciliatory, healer-in-chief approach can render him invisible on platforms where conflict equals clicks.”

– Kevin Roose, The New York Times


  • The Joe Biden campaign indicated its super PAC preference for Priorities USA over Unite the Country in a statement on Wednesday. The campaign said, “As Democrats across the country come together to achieve this goal, we are pleased that Priorities USA will be a leader of an unprecedented and united community of organizations focused on winning in November.” No other Democratic super PACs were mentioned in the statement.

  • On Wednesday, Biden attended a virtual town hall with frontline healthcare workers moderated by Florida Rep. Shevrin Jones.


  • Trump Victory, the joint fundraising committee formed by the Donald Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, is establishing finance chairs in all 50 states. In 2016, the group launched with finance chairs in 33 states.

  • Trump said he was considering adjourning Congress, in order to make recess appointments, since his administrative and judicial nominees were not able to go through the confirmation process. “If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress,” Trump said. “The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro-forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis. It is a scam that they do.”

Flashback: April 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders won 16 of the 23 delegates selected at the Colorado Democratic state convention, bringing his total delegate haul in the state to 41. Hillary Clinton won the other 25 pledged delegates. blank

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