Gore endorses Biden during virtual climate town hall

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing
April 23, 2020: Former Vice President Al Gore endorsed Joe Biden. AP reported on the evolution of the Trump campaign’s strategy to define Biden. blank    blankblank   

Ballotpedia is monitoring changes made to election dates and procedures in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Notable Quote of the Day

“Trump won here [Pennsylvania] in 2016 because he ran as a disruptor. But in a crisis like this, even if he were performing strongly, people are going to want a stabilizer in the White House. … Pennsylvania has been put into a much more challenging position, or at least demands a totally different strategy, for the president to keep it in his column.”

– Former U.S. Rep. Phil English (R-Penn.)

Election Updates

  • Joe Biden held a virtual town hall on climate change with former Vice President Al Gore on Wednesday. Gore endorsed him during the session.

  • The Associated Press reported on the evolution of the Donald Trump campaign’s strategy to define Biden in the election. Initially, the campaign wanted to define him as a corrupt, veteran Beltway insider. It has shifted its focus to Biden’s relations with and comments about China and his ability to perform as president.

  • NBC News reported that Trump is considering taking day trips outside of Washington, D.C., beginning the week of May 4.

Flashback: April 23, 2016

The New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was beginning to consider potential vice presidential picks. Among the list were Sens. Tim Kaine (Va.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio).blank

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