Each day, we:
Track the status of reopening in all 50 states.
Compare the status of one industry or activity across the country.
Provide in-depth summaries of the latest reopening plans.
Give you the latest stories on other reopening plans and ideas.
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The next three days
What is reopening in the next three days? Which stay-at-home orders will expire?
June 13, 2020
June 15, 2020
Delaware (Democratic trifecta): The state will enter into Phase Two of its reopening plan. Restaurants, retail stores, and malls will increase in capacity from 30% to 60%. Personal care services and gyms will remain at 30% occupancy
New Hampshire (divided government): Gov. Chris Sununu (R) announced that the state’s stay-at-home order will expire on June 15 at 11:59 p.m. This will also end the 10-person gathering size limit. Sununu said he would not set a new limit on gathering sizes. On June 15, the following businesses are permitted to reopen: amateur sports, bowling, arcades, laser tag and billiard halls, charitable gaming, gyms and fitness centers (50% capacity), libraries, motorcycle rides, museums and art galleries, outdoor attractions, outdoor race tracks, public, campground and commercial pools, road races, and tourist trains. Low physical contact amateur sports, such as baseball and softball, are allowed to resume that day, and indoor recreational facilities can reopen at 50% capacity. Funeral homes may reopen and weddings may resume. In-restaurant dining capacity can rise if there’s enough floor space to maintain social distancing in six counties—Belknap, Coos, Carrol, Cheshire, Sullivan, and Grafton. In-restaurant dining can resume at 50% capacity in Rockingham, Hillsborough, Merrimack and Strafford counties.
New Jersey (Democratic trifecta): The state will move into Stage 2 of its reopening plan on June 15. Outdoor dining and retail can reopen at 50% capacity on June 15. Public and private pools and personal care services such as hair salons can reopen on June 22. Youth summer programs may resume on July 6. Places of worship may reopen indoor services if they comply with the state’s guidelines on mass gatherings. Gyms and fitness (limited capacity), limited in-person government services, museums, libraries, and child daycare centers may also resume in Stage Two, though no dates for reopening have been set. On June 10, Asbury Park’s City Council voted to reopen indoor dining and bars at 25% capacity or up to 50 people on June 15. Under the state reopening plan, indoor dining is not permitted until Stage 3. There is no set date for when the state will move into Stage 3. In a June 12 tweet, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) said, “We’ve tried to work with the governing body of Asbury Park to resolve the issue of indoor dining. Because they haven’t done so, @NewJerseyOAG will bring a lawsuit today against the city government of Asbury Park. Our rules are based on one principle – ensuring public health.”
Since our last edition
Have any states opened? For a continually updated article on reopening status in all 50 states, click here. For our last edition, click here.
Maryland (divided government): Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced additional reopenings as part of Phase 2 of his reopening plan. Beginning June 12 at 5:00 p.m, the following are permitted to reopen: indoor dining (50% capacity) and outdoor amusements such as go-karts and miniature golf. Beginning June 19 at 5:00 p.m., the following are permitted to reopen: indoor fitness activities (50% capacity), casinos, arcades, and malls with safety protocols. On June 10, Hogan encouraged local school systems to hold outdoor graduation ceremonies with appropriate capacity and social distancing measures. Maryland State Superintendent Karen Salmon announced on June 10 that school systems could bring small groups of 10-15 students and staff into school buildings. Child care providers could reopen June 10 so long as they follow Maryland Department of Health protocols.
Missouri (Republican trifecta): Gov. Mike Parson (R) announced the state will enter the second phase of reopening starting June 16. Phase Two will completely lift statewide restrictions and health orders. Local officials will still be able to implement regulations. Parson also extended Missouri’s state of emergency through Dec. 30, 2020.
New York (Democratic trifecta): Five regions—North County, Mohawk Valley, Southern Tier, Finger Lakes, and Central New York—moved into Phase III of the state’s reopening plan on June 12. The following businesses and activities are permitted to resume: in-restaurant dining (50% capacity), and personal care services such as tattoo parlors (50% capacity).
Ohio (Republican trifecta): On June 11, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced that Dr. Amy Acton would step down as director of the Ohio Department of Health and become DeWine’s chief health advisor. DeWine also announced best practices for places of worship, including seating families six feet apart and asking parishioners to wear masks. DeWine said they are guidelines and not mandates.
Pennsylvania (divided government): Twelve more counties moved into the green phase of the state’s reopening plan. Gov. Tom Wolf (R) announced eight more yellow-phase counties would enter the green phase on June 19. The green phase allows most businesses and functions to reopen under state restrictions, including salons, barbershops, spas, casinos, theaters, malls, and gyms. It also allows gatherings of up to 250 people.
Utah (Republican trifecta): Gov. Gary Herbert (R) issued an executive order moving Kane County to the green phase of the reopening plan. The green phase is the fourth phase of Utah’s reopening plan and includes the fewest restrictions on businesses and individuals. Herbert also moved the cities of Bluff and Mexican Hat to the yellow (third) phase. Salt Lake City is the last city in Utah in the orange (second) phase of reopening. On June 11, Herbert wrote on Twitter that he would be keeping most of the state in the yellow phase because of a spike in COVID-19 cases.
Virginia (Democratic trifecta): Northern Virginia, the city of Richmond, and Accomack County entered Phase 2 of the reopening plan on June 12. All of Virginia is now in Phase 2, which permits restaurants to operate at 50% capacity and the limit on social gatherings to increase to 50. Outdoor movie theaters and performing arts venues are allowed to reopen with restrictions.
Update on stay-at-home orders
Forty-three states issued orders directing residents to stay home except for essential activities and the closure or curtailment of businesses each state deemed nonessential. Seven states did not.
As of June 12, stay-at-home orders have ended in 37 states. Eighteen of those states have Republican governors and 19 have Democratic governors (including Wisconsin, where the state Supreme Court invalidated the stay-at-home order).
Of the six states with active stay-at-home orders, five have Democratic governors and one has a Republican governor. They are (with expiration date):
New Hampshire (June 15, Republican governor)
New York (June 27, Democratic governor)
New Mexico (June 30, Democratic governor)
California (no set expiration date, Democratic governor)
Kentucky (no set expiration date, Democratic governor)
Oregon (no set expiration date, Democratic governor)
Here’s which stay-at-home orders have expired.

Tracking industries: Tattoo parlors
All 50 states are reopening in some way. Here, we give the status of one industry or activity across the states. Many states have specifically indicated whether tattoo parlors may open, often alongside salons and barbershops. Today’s question: in which states may you get a tattoo?
Tattoo parlors are currently not allowed to reopen in California, Connecticut, Maine, and New Jersey.

This is an in-depth summary of one of the latest reopening plans. Is there a plan you’d like us to feature? Reply to this email and let us know. Click a state below to read a previous Featured Plan.
On April 30, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) outlined a phased reopening plan. On May 26, Lamont released additional details on three phases in a report “assembled with input from our state agencies and departments, legislators, and subject matter experts from the Reopen CT Advisory Group.”
Phase 1 began on May 20. Lamont established the following criteria for entering Phase 1:
14-day decline of hospitalizations
Increased testing available
Sufficient contact tracing capacity
Protect high-risk populations
Adequate healthcare capacity
Adequate supply of PPE
Appropriate physical distancing regulations
Connecticut is scheduled to enter Phase 2 on June 17. Lamont said that about 95% of the state’s economy would be running at that time. This phase is scheduled to last at least four weeks.
Individual sectors received a health risk score based on guidance from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Contact proximity, contact length, number of contacts, disinfection ability, and social distancing enforceability factored into each sector’s score, which the governor used in developing reopening phases.
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) issued sector-specific requirements that reopening businesses must follow. Businesses must also self-certify that they are adhering to safety guidelines before they may reopen.
Lamont’s stay-at-home order closing nonessential businesses said no municipality could issue an order conflicting with the statewide order. It said municipalities could not issue shelter-in-place orders or orders prohibiting travel unless they receive written permission from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
On March 20, Lamont signed a “Stay Safe, Stay Home” executive order closing nonessential businesses effective March 23. When announcing the order, Lamont said people should leave home as little as possible. Lamont extended the order past its original April 22 expiration date, and it expired on May 20.
A series of other orders restricted gathering sizes. Social gatherings of more than five people were prohibited on March 26. The gathering size limit increased to 10 people on June 1.
Lamont also issued an order requiring residents to wear face coverings when in public if they are not maintaining 6 feet of distance from others, effective April 20. The order remains in effect.
As of June 11, Connecticut had 44,461 confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and 4,146 deaths. For every 100,000 residents, the state had 1,247 cases and 116 deaths. According to The New York Times’ analysis, this was the fifth-highest per capita case rate and third-highest per capita death rate of any state.
Connecticut is a Democratic trifecta, with a Democratic governor and Democratic majorities in both chambers of the state legislature.
Plan details
Social guidelines
Phases 1-3
Phases 1 and 2
Phase 3
Phase 1 reopenings (beginning May 20)
Restaurants for outdoor dining (50% capacity limit, tables 6 feet apart, no bar areas, additional guidelines)
Retail and malls (50% capacity limit, prevent congregating, additional guidelines)
Offices (50% capacity limit, continue work from home where possible, additional guidelines)
Hair salons and barbershops (June 1 reopening – 50% capacity limit, by appointment only, additional guidelines)
Museums, zoos (outdoor only, 50% capacity limit, additional guidelines)
Additional outdoor recreation—e.g., camping, mountain biking (guidelines)
University research programs (guidelines)
Phase 2 (beginning June 17)
Lamont established the following criteria for entering Phase 2:
Declining transmission
Testing and contact tracing
Business & social safeguards
Protection for critical and at risk individuals
Healthcare capacity
June 17 reopenings
Outdoor amusement parks (25% capacity limit, additional guidelines)
Hotels (guidelines)
Indoor dining at restaurants (50% capacity limit, no bar area, tables 6 feet apart, additional guidelines)
Museums, zoos, and aquariums (50% capacity limit, additional guidelines)
Indoor recreation—e.g., bowling, movie theaters (50% capacity limit, additional guidelines)
Libraries (50% capacity limit, additional guidelines)
Outdoor events (guidelines)
Personal services—e.g., nail salons, tattoo parlors, etc. (50% capacity limit, by appointment only, no services that require face mask removal allowed, additional guidelines)
Sports and fitness facilities—e.g., gyms, fitness centers, pools (capacity, player, and audience limits; additional guidelines)
July 6 opening
Phase 3
The May 26 plan update said the following could reopen in Phase 3, at least four weeks after the start of Phase 2.
Indoor event spaces/venues
Indoor amusements parks/arcades
Outdoor events up to 100 people
Nine Democratic state Senators sent Lamont a letter on May 14 urging him to delay the May 20 start date for reopening. They said, “We are all anxious to reopen Connecticut’s economy and we generally agree with the metrics you laid out in your Reopen CT plan, metrics that have yet to be achieved. While this is first and foremost a public health crisis, we are well aware of the economic impact on families and businesses and the state as a whole. Reopening is essential – but to do it while the first wave of the pandemic is still raging will not lead to a second wave, it will simply add fuel to the first wave, delaying our eventual recovery.”
On May 18, Lamont said the state had met established criteria for entering Phase 1 on May 20.
State Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R) criticized the delayed reopening date for barbershops and hair salons: “[T]oday’s last-minute delay is not based on science. … It’s a policy decision based on input that should have been sought long before decisions were made. Obviously the governor gave thought to the reopening of salons and barbershops, even going so far as to allow hair dryers after first banning them. So why now make the decision to completely delay the reopening? The rug is being pulled out from under hundreds of employers and job creators across the state. Many salons and barbershop owners have spent thousands of dollars over the last few weeks getting ready for reopening.”
Lamont said of the delayed date for barbershops and hair salons, “We’ve been hearing a lot of feedback from many owners and employees, and at this time I think the best approach is that we hit pause on the reopening of hair salons and barbershops, take a step back, and allow some more time as preparations continue to be made.”

Additional activity
In this section, we feature examples of activities by other federal, state, and local governments and influencers relevant to recovering from the pandemic.
Orange County, California, lifted its requirement that citizens wear face coverings when in public. Movie theaters, bars, zoos, and gyms are also allowed to reopen.
Disneyland Resort announced plans to open Disneyland and Disney California Adventure parks on July 17. It plans to reopen the Downtown Disney District on July 9. Reopenings will depend on approval from local governments.
The Chicago Riverwalk reopened on June 12 with restrictions. People must wear face coverings. The Riverwalk will be open from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. for recreational activities and from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. for concessions. The Riverwalk will be cleaned at 10 a.m. Concessions are available by reservation only. Access points will be limited and guarded by attendants.
Three Orthodox Jewish residents and two Catholic priests filed a lawsuit against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D), and state Attorney General Letitia James (D) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York. The suit asks the court to declare capacity restrictions for places of worship unconstitutional. The suit reads, “Limiting the size of synagogue congregations to ten persons or mandating that the congregants attend ‘drive-in’ services in closed motor vehicles … when numerous secular gatherings and the mass demonstrations now occurring are exempted from any such restrictions, unduly burdens plaintiffs’ sincerely held religious beliefs.” For regions of the state in Phase 2, places of worship must limit capacity to 25%. New York City is in Phase 1, and religious gatherings are limited to 10 people or drive-in services.
Shelby County, Tennessee, will move into the third phase of the “Back-to-Business” reopening plan on June 15. While much of Tennessee is reopening according to a plan put together by Gov. Bill Lee (R), six counties, including Shelby, are reopening under plans developed by local health departments.
Cedar Fair, which owns Ohio’s Cedar Point and Kings Island, announced expected reopening dates for the theme parks. Kings Island, located near Cincinnati, will reopen on July 2 for season passholders. The general public will be allowed starting July 12. Cedar Point is planning to reopen on July 9 for season passholders. The park will open to the general public on July 11.
- Three Massachusetts casinos, MGM Springfield, Encore Boston Harbor, and Plainridge Park, are working to reopen. Encore set an expected date of June 29, with the understanding that it could change. MGM Springfield has not set a date to reopen but announced plans to install Plexiglass to accommodate guests who wish to have more protection.