Biden calls for end to “this chapter of American darkness” in DNC speech

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing
August 21, 2020: Joe Biden accepted the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday night. Kanye West submitted a signature petition and list of electors to the Tennessee secretary of state.

Notable Quote of the Day

“Surveys among Democratic voters and activists repeatedly showed that, even when they didn’t see Biden as their top candidate, they saw him as the most electable, and overall, they prioritized electability to a far greater degree than they had in recent elections.

Biden was also, in some ways, a relatively easy choice for party insiders — he was broadly popular among the party’s voters, performed well in general election matchup polls, was closely tied to the Obama administration as its former VP, and was one of the only candidates who received widespread support from Black voters. But, at the end of the day, Biden also represented a safe choice for a party that had tried something new in 2016 and, in the eyes of many, had been punished for it.”

– Seth Masket, director of the Center on American Politics and the University of Denver

Election Updates

  • Joe Biden accepted the Democratic presidential nomination from Wilmington, Delaware, on Thursday night. He discussed the economy, race relations, and the coronavirus pandemic. “May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation. And this is a battle that we, together, will win,” Biden said.

  • Donald Trump discussed the coronavirus pandemic, Democratic National Convention, and using law enforcement as poll watchers during an interview on Fox News’ Hannity on Thursday night.

  • Trump is holding a funeral service for his brother, Robert Trump, on Friday afternoon at the White House.

  • Mike Pence will deliver his vice presidential nomination acceptance speech from Baltimore on August 26.

  • Jo Jorgensen will appear on the Blaze Radio Network with Glenn Beck on Friday morning.

  • Kanye West submitted a signature petition and list of electors to the Tennessee secretary of state on Thursday. Rick Williams, a 2016 delegate for Trump and former director of Middle Tennessee for Trump, was one of West’s electors.

Flashback: August 21, 2016

Green Party nominee Jill Stein wrote an open letter to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump calling on them to support a presidential debate that includes third party candidates.blank

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