Bloomberg pledges $100 million to help Biden in Florida

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing
September 14, 2020: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg committed at least $100 million to help Joe Biden’s campaign in Florida. Donald Trump held his first indoor rally in three months in Henderson, Nevada, on Sunday.

The Cook Political Report updated its race ratings on September 10, 2020:

  • Florida moved from Leans Democratic to Toss Up.
  • Nevada moved from Likely Democratic to Leans Democratic.

Sabato’s Crystal Ball also updated its race ratings on September 10, 2020:

  • Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District moved from Toss Up to Leans Democratic. Nebraska and Maine are the only states to appoint individual electors based on the popular vote statewide and in each congressional district.

Notable Quote of the Day

“While debates are often seen as gamechangers, it’s often the period after the conventions are in the rearview mirror and before the debates when the political environment becomes clear.

Take a look at all the election cycles since 1972. Specifically, look at where the national polling averages stood 35 days before the election (i.e. the day of the first 2020 general debate). The polls have been surprisingly predictive.

There has just been about a 3 point difference between where the polling average stood 35 days before the election and the eventual result. To put that into context, there has been about a 2 point difference between the polling averages and the results on the final day of the election.”

– Harry Enten, CNN

Election Updates

  • Joe Biden will discuss climate change and the economy during an event in Delaware on Monday.
  • Biden is airing new Spanish-language ads in Florida about the economy, coronavirus pandemic, and Donald Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria.
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg committed at least $100 million to help Biden’s campaign in Florida. The spending will primarily be focused on television and digital advertising.
  • Trump held his first indoor rally in three months in Henderson, Nevada, on Sunday. With thousands of attendees, the city said the gathering was in violation of the state’s emergency directives. Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh responded, “If you can join tens of thousands of people protesting in the streets, gamble in a casino, or burn down small businesses in riots, you can gather peacefully under the 1st Amendment to hear from the President of the United States.”
  • Trump is traveling to McClellan Park, California, to speak with local and federal officials about wildfires across the state.
  • A Wisconsin judge upheld a decision by the state elections commission to block Kanye West from the ballot after an aide submitted the paper after the 5 p.m.filing deadline.

Flashback: September 14, 2016

Gary Johnson qualified for the ballot in all 50 states.

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