The Colorado Supreme Court issued four opinions from April 24-30. As of April 30, the court issued 20 opinions in 2023 — one fewer than this point a year ago. Three of the four opinions are below:
- Colorado v. Platteel, where the court held “that defense counsel may not call to the witness stand an unsubpoenaed victim who happens to be in attendance at a preliminary hearing.”
- Colorado in the interest of: A.T.C., where the court concluded that “a magistrate’s finding of competency pursuant to section 19-1-108(3)(a.5), C.R.S. (2022), was subject to review in the juvenile court under section 19-1-108(5.5).”
- US Bank, N.A. v. Silvernagel, et al., where the court “reversed the judgment of the court of appeals: when there is no evidence that the lender accelerated payment on the mortgage agreement, a claim for any future payment doesn’t accrue until that payment is missed under the agreement’s original terms.”
From April 24-30, state supreme courts issued 172 opinions nationally. The West Virginia Supreme Court issued the most with 36. State supreme courts in 14 states issued the fewest with zero. Courts where judges are elected have issued 109 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 63.

The Colorado Supreme Court is the state’s court of last resort and has seven judgeships. The current chief of the court is Brian Boatright. The court issued 61 opinions in 2022 and 59 in 2021. Nationally, state supreme courts issued 7,423 opinions in 2022 and 8,320 in 2021. The courts have issued 2,201 opinions in 2023. Courts where judges are elected have issued 1,224 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 977. Colorado is a Democratic trifecta, meaning Democrats control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature.
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