As of June 11, members of the Colorado General Assembly, which includes the Colorado House of Representatives and the Colorado State Senate, have passed one bill related to election administration since the beginning of the year. A bipartisan group of legislators sponsored the bill. The bill is:
- CO SB276: Modifications To Laws Regarding Elections, click hyperlinked bill to see list of sponsors.
- This is an omnibus-style election policy bill that affects a number of different policy areas such as voting equipment, absentee/mail-in ballot deadlines, and signature matching. To see the details, click the hyperlinked bill above and navigate to the bill summary section.
The above bill was enacted into law, and is the only 2023 election bill to have been enacted as of June 11. This is one fewer than this point a year ago.
From June 5-11, legislators passed 15 bills related to election administration nationally. As of June 11, Tennessee legislators have passed the most bills this year with 17, while legislators in 14 states have passed none. The state with the most enacted bills is Tennessee with 17, while 14 states have enacted none.

The Colorado General Assembly was scheduled to be in regular session from Jan. 9 to May 6 this year. In 2022, Colorado legislators passed two election-related bills, one in each chamber. Both bills were enacted into law. Colorado is a Democratic trifecta, meaning Democrats control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature.
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