Ballotpedia tracked three new state-level candidates in Texas between Aug. 14 and Aug. 20. This was equal to the number of candidates tracked last week.
The three candidates are Democrats. All three are running for legislative offices in 2024.
As of this writing, Ballotpedia identified campaign materials for two of three candidates. Details are below:
- Clint Horn (D) is running for Texas House of Representatives District 142. Horn said, “All Texans deserve leaders that are willing to listen and who are focused on helping our State move forward. I am excited to announce that I want to serve House District 142 and lead this fight to ensure better policies for the State of Texas.”
- Chase West (D) is running for Texas House of Representatives District 13. West said, “As your Representative, I will tirelessly push for the Legislature to take decisive action on behalf of hardworking people. As a diverse state, I will be the voice for ALL. It’s time to take back our government. [I believe] in a TRUE representative Democracy and will fight for [my] constituents, rather than sell [my] vote to the highest bidder. Through efficient and responsible legislation that gives the taxpayers a true voice, [I believe I] can manifest positive change for our community and throughout the great state of Texas.”
Since the beginning of the year, Ballotpedia has identified 28 candidates for state-level offices in Texas. Seven hundred and fifty candidates ran for state-level office in Texas in 2022, while 582 ran in 2020. In 2022, 277 were Democratic, while 384 were Republican. In 2020, 270 were Democratic and 249 were Republican. Nationally, Ballotpedia has tracked 659 Democrats and 818 Republicans running for state-level office in 2023, and 121 Democrats and 166 Republicans running in 2024.

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