Governor Kathy Hochul (D) vetoed one bill from Oct. 16-22. She vetoed SB 6218, which would have enacted the Planned Offshore Wind Transmission Act and required the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority to establish a plan for improved transmission planning and coordinating systems for an offshore grid, and required that the Authority conduct a benefit-cost-analysis and ratepayer impact study.
In her veto message, Hochul said, “It is incumbent on renewable energy developers to cultivate and maintain strong ties to their host communities throughout the planning, siting, and operations of all large-scale project projects. Here, the City Council of Long Beach, the host community for the wind power project, has made clear that, while it supports the State’s efforts to transition from the use of fossil fuels, it would not support or authorize any alienation of parkland in furtherance of this project.”
As of Oct. 26, Ballotpedia could not identify a response from the bill’s sponsor.
Overriding a gubernatorial veto requires a two-thirds vote from both chambers of the legislature. New York is one of 36 states to require a two-thirds vote. The New York State Assembly voted 92-48 to approve the bill on June 21. The New York State Senate voted 42-21 to approve the bill on June 9. Senator Kevin S. Parker (D) introduced the legislation on April 4, 2023.
There is currently one active veto in New York in 2023. This count does not include vetoes that have been overturned by the legislature, if any. During the week of Oct. 16-22, the nation’s governors vetoed two bills. Hochul and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vetoed the most with one each. Governors in 48 states vetoed no legislation. Democratic governors issued the two vetoes, while Republican governors issued none.

Hochul has served as governor since Aug. 24, 2021. She successfully vetoed 165 bills in 2022. There are currently 693 active vetoes nationwide in 2023. This count does not include vetoes that have been overturned by state legislatures. Democratic governors issued 419, while Republican governors issued 274. New York is a Democratic trifecta, meaning Democrats control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature.
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