54.93% of all state legislators in the United States are Republican while 44.46% are Democratic

At the end of March 2024, 54.93% of all state legislators in the United States are Republican while 44.46% are Democratic. There are 7,386 state legislative seats in the country.

Republicans held a majority in 56 chambers, and Democrats held the majority in 40 chambers. Two chambers (Alaska House and Alaska Senate) were organized under multipartisan, power-sharing coalitions. Control of the Michigan House of Representatives is split.

Democrats hold 850 state Senate seats and 2,434 state House seats. They gained three state House seat since last month and lost one state Senate seat. Republicans hold 1,114 state Senate seats and 2,943 state House seats. They gained four state House seats since last month.

Independent or third-party legislators hold 24 seats across 10 different states. There are 16 vacant state House seats and 5 vacant state Senate seats across 17 different states.

Compared to March 2023, Democrats have lost six state Senate seats (856 v. 850) and gained seven state House seats (2,427 v. 2,434). Republicans have gained four state Senate seats (1,110 v. 1,114) and lost five state House seats (2,948 v. 2,943).

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