Tennessee lawmakers have adopted 36 election-related bills so far in 2024, the most of any state. Among the new election laws are changes to state voter roll maintenance procedures, an earlier absentee/mail-in ballot request deadline, and new rules for voter registration drives.
- HB 835 / SB 137 requires election officials to compare the statewide voter registration database with the department of safety database to ensure noncitizens are not registered to vote. Officials were previously allowed, but not required, to compare the databases.
- HB 2294 / SB 1967 changes the deadline to request an absentee/mail-in ballot from seven to 10 days before an election. Tennessee requires an excuse to request an absentee ballot.
- HB 1955 / SB 2586 prohibits the pre-filling of information on a voter registration application and makes it a crime for anyone convicted of a felony to handle another voter’s application.
Tennessee legislators also adopted the Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act which requires presidential electors and alternates to vote for their party’s candidate, or otherwise be replaced as electors. Eleven other states have adopted similar laws since 2011.
For a complete list of election-related legislation adopted in Tennessee this year, see here.
Of the 10 most active states in terms of enacted election-related bills in 2024, eight have Republican trifectas.

Keep reading: State of Election Administration Legislation 2024 Mid-Year Report Executive summary