Ballotpedia has tracked 13 recall efforts targeting 31 school board members so far in 2019. Three of those recalls have been certified for the ballot, and one recall election was on the ballot on February 19. Both board members were removed from office in that election. Another recall election against one board member was scheduled for July 16, but it was put on hold in June pending court action. A third recall election targeting three board members is scheduled for August 27.
As of July 26, recall efforts against 13 board members are still underway, while efforts against nine board members have ended and will not be going to a vote. Three board members resigned after recall efforts were started against them.
As of this time last year, four recall elections had been held against seven school board members. Six members were removed from office in the elections, and one was retained. Another seven recall elections were held later in 2018 against 19 school board members. Fifteen of those members were removed from office in the elections, and four were retained. Overall, 33 school board recall efforts targeting 74 board members nationwide were covered by Ballotpedia in 2018.
Ballotpedia covered a total of 206 recall efforts against 299 elected officials in 2018. Of the 123 officials whose recalls made it to the ballot, 77 were recalled for a rate of 62.6 percent. That was higher than the 56.9 percent rate and 56.3 percent rate for 2017 and 2016 recalls, respectively.