As of Oct. 8, Ballotpedia has tracked 195 election-related bills in the New York State Assembly since the beginning of the year. Of the 195, Ballotpedia tracked two from Oct. 2-8. Democrats sponsored one, while Republicans sponsored the other. The two bills are below:
- NY A08048: Allows individuals registered with a non-major political party or registered as independent to serve as election inspectors and poll clerks, so long as such individual makes a declaration of which particular party they intend to work on behalf of, Assembly Member Jennifer Lunsford (D).
- As introduced, this bill permits an individual who is registered with a non-major political party or not registered with any political party to be appointed as an election inspector or poll clerk on behalf of a major political party as long as the individual affirms which major political party they will be working on behalf of.
- NY A08095: Adds impersonation of board of elections members or other election officers, or an employee thereof, to the crime of criminal impersonation in the first degree, Assembly Member Michael Norris (R).
- As introduced, this bill adds impersonation of an election official or employee to the definition of the crime of criminal impersonation of the first degree.
During the week of Oct. 2-8, Ballotpedia tracked 10 House election-related bills nationally. As of Oct. 8, Ballotpedia has tracked 1,750 House bills nationally. Ballotpedia tracked the most House bills this year in the New York State Assembly with 195, while Ballotpedia tracked the fewest House bills in the Colorado House of Representatives with seven.
As of Oct. 8, Ballotpedia has tracked 778 House bills in Democratic trifectas and 749 House bills in Republican trifectas. A trifecta is when one political party holds the governorship and majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. Ballotpedia has tracked 223 House bills in states where neither party holds trifecta control.
The New York Assembly was scheduled to be in regular session from Jan. 4 to June 8 this year. In 2022, Ballotpedia tracked 211 House bills related to election administration. Nine of these bills passed both chambers and all were enacted into law. New York is a Democratic trifecta.
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