Castro fires staff in New Hampshire and South Carolina

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

November 5, 2019: Julián Castro is firing staff in New Hampshire and South Carolina. Donald Trump held a rally Monday night in Lexington, Kentucky. blank    blankblank   


How many noteworthy candidates were running for president at this point in the 2016 election?

Notable Quote of the Day

“A confluence of factors — ranging from the historic size of the primary field to the strategic considerations of top-tier candidates — has turned Iowa into the essential early state in 2020. Since July, candidates have made more than 800 appearances in the state, far surpassing totals in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, according to candidate trackers maintained by the Des Moines Register and news outlets in the other three states.

Iowa is where Pete Buttigieg, still a single-digit candidate nationally, is surging, where Elizabeth Warren has overtaken Joe Biden and where the former vice president — still leading nationally — is at risk of getting cut down. And it is serving as the fulcrum for a host of other candidates — among them Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris — who hope to leverage their performance across the state’s 99 counties into relevance in the states that follow.”

– David Siders, Politico




  • Mark Sanford spoke with the Southern New Hampshire Libertarian Party on Monday.

  • Donald Trump held a rally Monday night in Lexington, Kentucky, where he called on voters to support incumbent Republican Gov. Matt Bevin.

Flashback: November 5, 2015

Bernie Sanders signed a joint fundraising agreement with the Democratic National Committee.
