December 12, 2019: Michael Bloomberg is donating $10 million to House Majority PAC. Circuit Judge Jocelyn Newman upheld the South Carolina Republican Party’s decision to cancel its 2020 presidential primary.
“Most debates have seen anywhere from five to nine polls released in the last two weeks, but for the upcoming debate, it seems as if there will be less than five. So what’s behind the dearth in polling? One obvious culprit is Thanksgiving. Pollsters try to avoid polling around the holidays because of concerns about response rates — people are often traveling or visiting family and friends. In that sense then, it’s not surprising that there weren’t any polls released right after the holiday weekend when few pollsters would’ve been in the field anyway. However, pollsters could have conducted surveys last week and then released them this past weekend — yet none did. But of course, the DNC doesn’t control when independent media organizations or universities choose to conduct their polls, so some of this is just bad luck for candidates like Booker, Castro and Gabbard. It’s also unclear, especially in the case of Booker and Castro, whether more polls would have helped them. Remember, neither has a single qualifying poll to their name.
However, the DNC does get to decide which polls count toward qualification. So that means some major national pollsters who have released surveys since Thanksgiving aren’t counted, including Morning Consult, The Economist/YouGov, and Reuters/Ipsos. But the DNC argues candidates have had a fair shot of making the December stage. ‘Candidates have had 26 opportunities to hit 4 percent, including multiple opportunities in all four early states,’ Adrienne Watson, deputy communications director for the DNC told FiveThirtyEight.”
Joe Biden unveiled his immigration plan on Wednesday, which includes the following policies in his first 100 days in office: ending family separations at the border, reversing the Trump administration’s metering of asylum applications, increasing humanitarian resources for migrants, and ending prolonged detention.
Michael Bloomberg is donating $10 million to House Majority PAC to support House Democrats being targeted for supporting the impeachment inquiry.
Andrew Yang is opening a campaign office in Ames, Iowa, on Thursday. He is also playing a public basketball game against U.S. House candidate J.D. Scholten.