Author: Emily Aubert

  • Biden, Trump travel to Pennsylvania for 9/11 memorial

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    September 11, 2020: Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both traveling to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to commemorate September 11. Howie Hawkins can stay on the ballot in Pennsylvania. Kanye West is blocked from the ballot in Ohio. Notable Quote of the Day “Should any [election law] cases make their way to the Supreme Court, it’s not clear…

  • Trump, RNC raise $210 million in August, trail Biden and DNC’s fundraising total

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    September 10, 2020: Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee raised $210 million in August, setting a record for the campaign. Bob Woodward released recorded interviews with Trump about the coronavirus. Notable Quote of the Day “When you look at the rural areas, it’s the margins that matter. The suburbs get a lot of attention because…

  • Pro-Trump America First Action announces $22 million ad buy in FL, PA, WI, and OH

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    September 9, 2020: The pro-Trump America First Action announced a $22 million ad buy in four battleground states. Maine Secretary of State Matthw Dunlap said he would proceed with printing ballots that included ranked choice voting for the presidential race. Notable Quote of the Day “I would say this about an October surprise. I mean, given…

  • Biden launches new ad campaign in battleground states

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    September 4, 2020: Joe Biden is airing three new ads on security, the pandemic, and unity in battleground states. Judges in Arizona and Virginia blocked Kanye West from appearing on the ballot as an independent presidential candidate. Notable Quote of the Day “Besides polls, there are two other places we look for evidence of what is…

  • Biden and DNC raise record $365 million in August

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    September 3, 2020: Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee raised $365 million in August. The Commission on Presidential Debates announced the moderators for the 2020 presidential and vice presidential debates. Notable Quote of the Day “President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally in the key swing state of Pennsylvania on Thursday — but the…

  • Biden will speak about school reopenings in Delaware

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    September 2, 2020: Joe Biden will deliver a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, focused on school reopenings and the coronavirus pandemic. A lawsuit in Arizona is seeking to block Kanye West from the ballot over his party registration. Notable Quotes of the Day “We now have a name for our worst-case election scenario. It’s called a ‘red…

  • Trump heads to Kenosha to survey damage following protests, hold community roundtable

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    September 1, 2020: Donald Trump is traveling to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where protests are taking place following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Republican Voters Against Trump is targeting independent and Republican voters in Florida with an $8 million campaign. Notable Quote of the Day “One of the most important divides in Minnesota politics is between the…

  • Pro-Trump Preserve America is launching $30 million ad campaign

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    August 31, 2020: Preserve America is launching a $30 million ad campaign in battleground states on Tuesday. Joe Biden and Mike Pence are campaigning in Pennsylvania at the start of this week.         Notable Quote of the Day “Predicting the end of political conventions as we know them may be a popular talking point, but…

  • Final filing deadlines for independent presidential candidates

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    Although there is no formal, national deadline to file to run for president of the United States, independent presidential candidates must keep a close eye on the election calendar as each state has its own filing requirements and deadline to qualify to appear on the general election ballot. These requirements may include submitting a petition with…

  • Trump accepts Republican presidential nomination

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    August 28, 2020: Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican presidential nomination from the White House. Joe Biden aired a two-minute ad during the final night of the Republican National Convention. Notable Quote of the Day “According to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 30 percent of registered voters said they planned to vote by mail,…