Author: Emily Aubert

  • Ballotpedia’s Weekly Presidential News Briefing: August 8-14, 2020

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    Every weekday, Ballotpedia tracks the news, events, and results of the 2020 presidential election.         Notable Quotes of the Week “Now Biden’s selection of Harris has lent his campaign a thematic clarity that it didn’t have before. In a year of calamities whose effects have been especially painful in Black communities—the coronavirus…

  • Trump opposes additional USPS funding, universal mail-in ballots

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    August 14, 2020: Donald Trump said universal mail-in voting would not be possible without additional funding for the USPS, which he said he opposed. Mike Bloomberg will speak at the Democratic National Convention on August 20. Notable Quote of the Day “Yet the coronavirus outbreak continues to cast a large shadow over the 2020 presidential election.…

  • Biden raises $26 million, doubles single-day fundraising record

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    August 13, 2020: Joe Biden raised $26 million in the 24 hours after announcing Kamala Harris was his running mate. Donald Trump will campaign in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Arizona during the Democratic National Convention next week. Notable Quote of the Day “Since John Adams first held the VP post in 1789, 14 of 47 vice…

  • Biden picks Harris as vice presidential running mate

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    August 12, 2020: Joe Biden selected Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. Biden and Donald Trump won the final presidential primaries of the election cycle. Notable Quotes of the Day “Now Biden’s selection of Harris has lent his campaign a thematic clarity that it didn’t have before. In a year of calamities whose effects have…

  • Biden picks Harris as vice presidential running mate

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    Presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden named U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate on Tuesday. “I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate,” Biden tweeted. “Back when Kamala…

  • Biden finishes interviews with VP finalists

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    August 11, 2020: Joe Biden has finished interviewing all the finalists for vice presidential nominee. Donald Trump said he will accept the Republican nomination from the White House or Gettysburg. Notable Quote of the Day “Trump goes with Pence because he believes Pence, a former member of Congress, can work with the Washington establishment (and serve…

  • Trump signs four executive actions on coronavirus economic relief

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    August 10, 2020: Donald Trump signed four executive actions on Saturday for coronavirus economic relief. Several Democratic operatives and activists in Texas launched Blue Texas PAC.         Notable Quote of the Day “The Constitution doesn’t give the vice president much to do and he or she rarely performs those constitutional assignments. Beginning with Richard M.…

  • Upcoming filing deadlines for independent presidential candidates from August 8 to August 14

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    Although there is no formal, national deadline to file to run for president of the United States, independent presidential candidates must keep a close eye on the election calendar as each state has its own filing requirements and deadline to qualify to appear on the general election ballot. These requirements may include submitting a petition with…

  • Debate commission rejects Trump campaign request for fourth debate

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    August 7, 2020: The Commission on Presidential Debates rejected the Trump campaign’s request to add a fourth debate or alter the debate schedule. Kanye West discussed his campaign in an interview with Forbes. Notable Quote of the Day “The real margin of error is often about double the one reported. The notion that a typical margin…

  • Trump and RNC raise $165 million in July, topping Biden and DNC’s $145 million

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    August 6, 2020: Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee raised $165 million in July. Joe Biden and other speakers will not travel to Milwaukee for the Democratic National Convention. Notable Quote of the Day “The fact that Biden and Trump are taking such radically different approaches to person-to-person voter outreach may be something of a…