Author: Jackie Mitchell

  • Ballotpedia’s year-end analysis of statewide ballot measures

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    Ballotpedia published its year-end analysis of the 140 statewide ballot measures voters decided in 2022. The year-end analysis provides: a breakdown of approval rates by measure type a breakdown of measures by topic historical comparisons of the numbers and types of measures data on citizen initiative activity compared to recent election cycles a summary of…

  • Minimum wages set to increase in 27 states in 2023 by an average of $0.87

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    In 2023, the minimum wage was set to increase in 27 states. The increases range from $0.23 in Michigan (a 2.28% increase from 2022) to $1.50 in Nebraska (a 14.29% increase from 2022). one increase was set to take effect on December 31, 2022; 22 increases were set to take effect on January 1, 2023;…

  • Voters in Louisiana will decide on three constitutional amendments on Dec. 10

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    Voters in Louisiana will decide on three constitutional amendments on Dec. 10. Amendment 1 would prohibit local governments from allowing noncitizens to vote. Currently, Article I, Section 10 of the Louisiana Constitution reads, “Every citizen of the state, upon reaching eighteen years of age, shall have the right to register and vote…” This amendment would…

  • Voters approved 10, rejected 4 local measures in San Francisco

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    Voters in San Francisco decided on 14 local ballot measures on Nov. 8. Ten were approved and four were defeated. Four were citizen initiatives, of which, one was approved and three were defeated. The city’s board of supervisors referred 10 of the measures to the ballot, of which 9 were approved and one was defeated.…

  • Colorado ballot measure committees have raised $41.45 million

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    As of October 28, Ballotpedia identified $1.01 billion in contributions to support or oppose statewide measures on ballots in 2022. Colorado was among the top five states with the most ballot measure campaign contributions. According to campaign finance reports due on October 31, which covered information through October 26, 15 committees supporting and opposing eight…

  • Signature costs for ballot initiatives increased in 2022

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    In 2022, ballot initiative campaigns spent $118.29 million to collect signatures for 29 initiatives in 12 states. The average cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) in 2022 was $12.70, an increase from $8.09 in 2020, $6.52 in 2018, and $6.93 in 2016. On November 8, voters in 37 states will decide 132 statewide ballot measures, of which, 30 were…

  • Oklahoma marijuana legalization initiative will appear on the ballot on March 7, 2023

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    Oklahoma voters will decide on State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, on March 7, 2023. Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, proponents of State Question 820, were initially targeting the 2022 ballot and submitted enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. However, due to legal challenges and statutory deadlines, the measure could not be…

  • Five states to decide in November on legalizing recreational marijuana

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    In November, five more states will decide on marijuana legalization ballot measures. In the central U.S., voters in Arkansas, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota will consider citizen-initiated measures to legalize marijuana. These four states are Republican trifectas. In Maryland, which has a divided government, the state Legislature voted to put the issue before voters.…

  • San Francisco voters to decide 14 local ballot measures on November 8

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    Voters in San Francisco will decide 14 local ballot measures on November 8. Four measures are citizen initiatives and ten were referred to the ballot by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The measures address topics such as the ability to use vehicles in the JFK Promenade, parking in Golden Gate Park, expediting housing projects,…

  • Oklahoma marijuana initiative will not be on 2022 ballot but will be decided at a later election

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    On September 21, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, could not be placed on the 2022 general election ballot because legal challenges were still pending and the question could not be printed in time for the state to meet its deadline of mailing absentee ballots. The court’s…