Category: Federal

  • Five presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Montana this November

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    Montana’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature five presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. withdrew from the presidential election in August, but will still appear on Montana’s ballot. This is the same number of candidates on Montana’s presidential ballot as in three of the last five elections.…

  • Four presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Missouri this November

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    Missouri’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature four presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: There is one fewer candidate on Missouri’s presidential ballot compared to 2020. In 2020, Missouri’s ballot had five candidates: Joe Biden (D), Trump, Jo Jorgensen (L), Howie Hawkins (G), and one other minor party candidate. Trump won…

  • Nine presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Mississippi this November

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    Mississippi’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature nine presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: Claudia De La Cruz is the Party for Socialism and Liberation’s presidential nominee, and Peter Sonski is the American Solidarity Party’s presidential nominee, but both will appear on Mississippi’s ballot as independents. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. withdrew…

  • Nine presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Minnesota this November

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    Minnesota’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature nine presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: Jill Stein’s running mate is Butch Ware, but she filed to appear on Minnesota’s ballot before selecting Ware, so she will appear on Minnesota’s ballot with Kpadenou instead. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., running as an independent, withdrew…

  • Eight presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Michigan this November

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    Michigan’s Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature eight presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. withdrew from the presidential election in August, but will still appear on Michigan’s ballot. Randall Terry is the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, but will appear on Michigan’s ballot as the U.S. Taxpayers Party…

  • Six presidential tickets will appear on the ballot in Massachusetts this November

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    Massachusetts’ Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot will feature six presidential candidates and their running mates. They are: Jill Stein’s running mate is Butch Ware, but she filed to appear on Massachusetts’ ballot before selecting Ware, so she will appear on Massachusetts’ ballot with Caballero-Roca instead. This is the same number of candidates that appeared…

  • Congressional Republicans reintroduce REINS Act with new provisions

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    Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sept. 18 reintroduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act in the 118th Congress with four additional provisions that would: The background The REINS Act is a legislative proposal that would require congressional approval of major agency rules with an economic…

  • President Biden has appointed 213 federal judges through October 1 of his fourth year

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    President Joe Biden (D) has appointed and the Senate has confirmed 213 Article III federal judges through October 1, 2024, his fourth year in office. This is the second-most Article III judicial appointments through this point in all presidencies since President Ronald Reagan (R). The average number of federal judges appointed by previous presidents through…

  • New federal SNAP work requirements take effect: age exemption rises to 54

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    On October 1, 2024, the final phase of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) will take effect, raising the age limit for exemptions from certain Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) work requirements. Individuals will now age out of the able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD) work requirements at age 54, instead of 52. This means that able-bodied…

  • Joe Biden ends Sept. with highest presidential approval rating since Sept. 2023

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    At the end of Sept., approval polling averages showed President Joe Biden (D) at 42% approval. Fifty-five percent of voters disapproved of his performance. This was the highest approval rating Biden has received since Sept. 2023. Throughout Sept., Biden’s approval rating ranged from 41% to 42%. The lowest approval rating he’s received during his presidency…