Category: Federal

  • Democratic party committees outraised Republican counterparts every month in 2023

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    The three committees associated with the Democratic Party have raised $315 million and spent $275 million in the 2024 election cycle, while the three committees associated with the Republican Party have raised $257 million and spent $230 million. Additionally, the three Democratic committees cumulatively outraised their Republican counterparts every month in 2023. These figures are…

  • Federal Register weekly update: Significant documents count reaches 40 in first days of February (2024)

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    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From Jan. 29, 2024, through Feb. 2, 2024, the Federal Register grew by 2,178 pages for…

  • Biden ends January with presidential approval at 41%, three points lower than this point during the Trump administration

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    Polling averages showed President Joe Biden (D) with an average 41% approval rating at the end of January 2024. Fifty-five percent of voters disapproved of his performance. This was two points higher than his approval rating at the end of December. Throughout January, Biden’s approval rating ranged from 40% to 41%. The lowest approval rating…

  • 164 candidates are running for Texas’ 38 U.S. House districts—the most since 2016

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    This year’s filing deadline for candidates running for Congress in Texas was Dec. 11, 2023.  One hundred sixty-four candidates are running for Texas’ 38 U.S. House districts, including 63 Democrats and 101 Republicans. That’s 4.3 candidates per district, the lowest number since 2016, when 3.5 candidates ran. In 2022, the first election after the number…

  • OIRA reviewed 45 significant rules in January (2024)

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    Photo of the White House in Washington, D.C.

    The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in January 2024 reviewed 45 significant regulatory actions issued by federal agencies. OIRA approved three of these rules with no changes and approved the intent of 38 rules while recommending changes to their content. OIRA reviewed 40 significant regulatory actions in January 2023 and 26…

  • Tracker: Article III federal judicial nominations by president by days in office since 2001

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    There were 59 vacancies in the 890 authorized federal judicial posts as of January 31, 2024. Fifty-eight of those were for Article III judgeships. This report is limited to Article III courts, where appointees are confirmed to lifetime judgeships. From December 14, 2023, to January 31, 2024: By January 31, 2024—1,107 days in office—President Joe…

  • Federal Register weekly update: 72 final rules added in fourth week of January (2024)

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    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From Jan. 22, 2024, through Jan. 26, 2024, the Federal Register grew by 1,544 pages for…

  • State attorneys general continue pushback against federal ESG labor rule

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    Attorneys general from 26 states are opposing the implementation of the U.S. Department of Labor’s rule permitting ESG considerations in Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)-governed pension plans in court. The states filed an appeal late last week seeking to reverse the dismissal of their case. Ballotpedia tracks support for and opposition to the environmental,…

  • Federal Register weekly update: Nearly 1,400 pages added in third week of January (2024)

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    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From Jan. 15, 2024, through Jan. 19, 2024, the Federal Register grew by 1,396 pages for…

  • SCOTUS hears oral argument in challenge to Chevron deference

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    The United States Supreme Court on January 17, 2024, heard oral argument in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce—two consolidated cases challenging an agency’s interpretation of a federal fishery law that could affect future applications of Chevron deference by the federal courts.  A coalition of commercial fishermen in Loper…