Category: Local

  • Twelve candidates compete in Houston’s mayoral election, one of 31 mayoral races in the country this year

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    Incumbent Sylvester Turner and eleven challengers will compete in the November 5, 2019, general election for mayor of Houston, Texas. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the top two general election candidates will participate in a runoff election on December 14, 2019.   Of the 11 candidates running against Turner, local…

  • Toledo council races draw more candidates than previous three elections

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    The city of Toledo, Ohio, is holding general elections for six city council seats, two municipal judgeships, and the clerk of the municipal court on November 5, 2019. Primaries for the city council’s districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are being held September 10, 2019.   The remaining offices, including District 6, had two…

  • Flint City Council recall effort fails to make ballot

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    The recall effort targeting Flint Councilwoman Kate Fields has ended after more than half of the submitted signatures were ruled invalid. Genesee County Clerk John Gleason found 332 of the 825 signatures submitted by recall organizers valid. Petitioners needed 556 valid signatures in order to put the recall on the ballot.   Fields is one…

  • Voters in Cary, North Carolina, must register by Friday the 13th to vote on two bond measures on October 8

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    Cary, North Carolina will head to the polls on Tuesday, October 8, for the mayoral and town council election. Voters will also decide two bond issues.   The first measure would authorize the town to issue $112 million in bonds to fund the expansion of existing parks and recreation facilities, as well as, construct and…

  • El Paso City Council votes 4-3 to hold November special election

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    On September 3, the El Paso City Council in Texas voted to hold a special election for the council’s District 3 seat. The election is scheduled for November 5, and the candidate filing deadline is on September 26.   The special election was called due to Texas’ resign-to-run law, which requires officeholders to resign from…

  • Nashville to elect mayor on September 12

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    The runoff election for mayor of Nashville, Tennessee, takes place September 12. Incumbent Mayor David Briley and At-large Metro Councilmember John Cooper advanced from the August 1 general election, with Cooper receiving 35 percent of the vote to Briley’s 25 percent. Early voting for the runoff runs from August 23 through September 7.   A…

  • Charlotte mayor faces four Democratic primary challengers on Tuesday

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    In North Carolina, Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles is running for re-election in the Democratic primary on September 10, 2019. Four opponents—Roderick Davis, Tigress Sydney Acute McDaniel, Joel Odom, and Lucille Puckett—are challenging her in the primary. The winner will advance to the general election on November 5 and face the Republican nominee, David Michael Rice.…

  • Recalls targeting 3 Idaho school board members fail

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    Recall elections seeking to remove Tim Winkle, Alicia McConkie, and Marianne Blackwell from their positions on the Middleton School District board of trustees in Idaho were held on Tuesday. The recall against McConkie was approved by a majority of voters, but there were not enough “yes” votes for the recall to be counted. In order…

  • Incumbents lead in St. Petersburg primaries

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    Four seats on the St. Petersburg City Council in Florida are up for election in 2019, and three of those seats held primaries on August 27. The top two vote recipients in each of the primaries advanced to the general election, which is scheduled for November 5.   In two council districts, the incumbents—John “Ed”…

  • Phoenix voters defeat Propositions 105 and 106 no light rail and pensions

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    Phoenix residents rejected two citizen initiatives—Propositions 105 and 106—at the Aug. 27 special election. Proposition 105 would have terminated funding for future light rail expansion in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area and to allocate revenue from the transportation tax towards other infrastructure projects. Proposition 106 would have required the city to limit budget growth and…