Indiana is holding elections, including for municipal offices and state legislative offices, on Nov. 7, 2023, and May 7, 2024, respectively. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a…
New Jersey is holding elections, including for state legislative offices, on Nov. 7, 2023. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a selection of responses from the candidates who…
Colorado is holding elections, including for school boards and state legislative offices, on Nov. 7, 2023, and Nov. 5, 2024, respectively. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a…
Ballotpedia tracked two new state-level candidates in Texas between Oct. 23-29. This was two fewer candidates than the prior week. Both of the candidates are Republicans running in 2024 for the state legislature. Details on these candidates are below: Since the beginning of the year, Ballotpedia has identified 51 candidates for state-level office in Texas.…
Ballotpedia tracked two new state-level candidates in Colorado between Oct. 23-29. This was one more candidate than the prior week. One of those candidates is a Democrat and one is a Libertarian. Both candidates are running in 2024 for state legislature. As of this writing, Ballotpedia identified campaign materials for one of the two candidates.…
As of Oct. 29, Ballotpedia has tracked 118 election-related bills in the Texas State Senate since the beginning of the year. Of the 118, Ballotpedia tracked two from Oct. 23-29. Republicans sponsored both bills. The two bills are below: During the week of Oct. 23-29, Ballotpedia tracked 11 Senate election-related bills nationally. As of Oct.…
In Maine, voters will decide on Question 2 on Nov. 7. Question 2, a citizen-initiated statute, would prohibit foreign governments, or entities with at least 5% foreign government ownership or control, from spending money to influence ballot measures or candidate elections. Federal law currently prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures (including independent expenditures), and disbursements by foreign…
Ballotpedia has tracked two state supreme court justice vacancies for 2024. The first state supreme court justice to confirm her retirement in 2024 was Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Elspeth Cypher, who announced in June 2023 that she plans to retire on January 12, 2024. The second to confirm retirement in 2024 was Justice Keith G.…
On Oct. 26, a federal judge with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia ruled that Georgia’s congressional and legislative district boundaries violated the Voting Rights Act and enjoined the state from using them for future elections. The court directed the Georgia General Assembly to develop new maps by Dec. 8.…
On Oct. 25, the North Carolina General Assembly adopted new congressional and legislative district boundaries. The final votes for each plan were strictly along party lines, with all votes in favor by Republicans and all votes against by Democrats. The state redrew its district boundaries after North Carolina’s Supreme Court in April overturned a prior…