Texas school board elections tend to see more candidates file per seat in odd-numbered years than in even-numbered years. Between 2018 and 2023, odd-numbered election years have averaged 2.08 candidates per seat, while even-numbered election years have averaged 1.78 candidates per seat. The highest average number of candidates per seat in Texas school board elections…
Incumbent Andy Beshear (D) and Daniel Cameron (R) are running in the Nov. 7, 2023, Kentucky gubernatorial election. The primary was May 16, 2023. The filing deadline was Jan. 6, 2023. According to CNN’s Eric Bradner, “The race between Beshear and Cameron, much like Virginia’s state legislative races this fall, carries significant implications for 2024’s elections, as…
All three candidates running in the June 20 Democratic primary election for Virginia House of Delegates District 15 — Laura Jane Cohen (D), Eric Schmidt (D), and Henri’ Thompson (D) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Here are…
As of June 15, legislators across the country have enacted 208 election-related bills this year, 42 more than the 166 bills states had enacted at this point in 2022. Texas has enacted the most bills this year, with 20, surpassing Tennessee, which has enacted 17. In 2022, Tennessee enacted the most bills at this point…
Citizens for Arkansas Public Education and Students (CAPES) began filing ballot language for a proposed veto referendum with the Arkansas attorney general in May after the Arkansas State Legislature adjourned its 2023 legislative session. After two previous attempts were rejected, Attorney General Tim Griffin certified the ballot language submitted by CAPES. The ballot title contains…
The Arizona House of Representatives on June 12 voted against a bill 29-31 that would have indexed the length of unemployment insurance benefits to the state’s unemployment rate. During times when the unemployment rate was at or below 5%, unemployed workers would have been able to collect a maximum of 12 weeks of benefits under…
State supreme courts issued 257 opinions from May 29-June 11. The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia led the field with 27 opinions issued, followed by Mississippi with 20 and Delaware with 19. The last two weeks’ 257 opinions account for 9% of the year-to-date total of 3,013. West Virginia, again, leads with 228…
Twenty-nine (29) legislative referrals were certified for statewide ballots in 2023 as of Jun. 15. Of that total, six received unanimous support from both parties; six received unanimous support from only Republicans; and 10 received unanimous support from only Democrats, which is higher than 2021 (4) and 2019 (5). One measure in New York—where legislative…
State supreme courts saw five new announced vacancies in the second quarter of 2023. The vacancies occurred in Connecticut, Florida, New York, Hawaii, and Idaho. Added to the eight announced vacancies from the first three months of 2023, the total announced state supreme court vacancies so far this year is 13. Of the 13 announced…
In Arizona, the state Legislature approved a constitutional amendment related to signature requirements for citizen-initiated measures on June 12, 2023. Voters will decide on the amendment at the election on Nov. 5, 2024. The measure would require a percentage of signatures from each legislative district to qualify a citizen initiative for the ballot. Currently, the…