Category: Newsletters

  • Robe & Gavel November 7, 2022: Federal Judicial Vacancy Count released for Nov. 1

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    Welcome to the Nov. 7 edition of Robe & Gavel, Ballotpedia’s newsletter about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and other judicial happenings around the U.S. Hello again, gentle readers! What an action-packed week we have on our hands: it’s election week, the second week of SCOTUS’ November sitting, and we have a…

  • Our top analyses and resources for Election Week

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    Welcome to the Monday, November 7, Brew.  By: Samuel Wonacott Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Our top analyses and resources for Election Day Both of New Hampshire’s U.S. House elections are rated as toss ups Our top analyses and resources for Election Day Welcome to election week! Tomorrow, on…

  • ICYMI: Top stories of the week

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    Five states to decide in November on legalizing recreational marijuana In November, five states will decide on marijuana legalization ballot measures. In the central U.S., voters in Arkansas, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota will consider citizen initiatives to legalize marijuana. These four states are Republican trifectas. In Maryland, which has a divided government, the…

  • Election Legislation Weekly Digest: November 4, 2022

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    Here is our weekly round-up on election-related legislation. In it, you’ll find the following information:  Recent activity: Here, we report on the number of bills acted on within the past week.  The big picture: Here, we look at the bills in the aggregate.  Legislative status: How many bills have been introduced, voted upon, or enacted…

  • State financial officers—what they are and why you should care

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    Welcome to the Friday, November 4, Brew.  By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: What you need to know about this year’s state financial officer elections All major party candidates in 45 battleground races completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey Connecticut voters to consider allowing in-person early voting Chaz…

  • Marijuana is on the ballot in five states on Election Day

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    Welcome to the Thursday, November 3, Brew.  By: Samuel Wonacott Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Five states to decide in November on legalizing recreational marijuana Bass, Caruso face off in Los Angeles mayoral election In Delaware, 58% of all state legislative seats up for election lack major party competition…

  • Hall Pass: Your Ticket to Understanding School Board Politics, Edition #36

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    Welcome to Hall Pass, a newsletter written to keep you plugged into the conversations driving school board politics and governance. A note to readers: Election Day is next week, and we’ll be taking a break from our regularly scheduled Hall Pass programming to keep you abreast of the latest election results and analysis up and…

  • 28 state legislative chambers we’ll be watching next week

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    Welcome to the Wednesday, November 2, Brew.  By: David Luchs Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: 28 state legislative chambers we’ll be watching next week New York voters to decide several toss-up congressional elections President Joe Biden’s approval rating rises to 44% in October, highest since 2021 28 state legislative…

  • Economy and Society, November 1, 2022: How will voters affect the control of state financial offices?

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    Economy and Society is Ballotpedia’s weekly review of the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. ESG Developments This Week Election preview Across the country, voters are gearing up to decide the control of the…

  • Ballot measure campaign contributions top $1 billion

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    Welcome to the Tuesday, November 1, Brew.  By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Ballot measure campaign contributions top $1 billion Previewing Arizona’s toss-up gubernatorial election Under Louisiana’s unique voting system, primaries are on Nov. 8 One week until election day! We hope you had a great Halloween…