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Welcome to the Thursday, April 8, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Summary of April 6 election results North Las Vegas mayor changes party affiliation to Republican The 17th Amendment celebrates its 108th birthday Summary of April 6 election results We covered elections in nine states on April 6.…
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April 7, 2021: President Joe Biden (D) selected Robin Carnahan as his nominee for administrator of the General Services Administration. Every weekday, Ballotpedia is tracking key presidential appointments, executive actions, and policy developments from the Biden administration. There are no committee hearings scheduled Wednesday. The Senate stands adjourned until April 12 for a full session.…
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Welcome to the Wednesday, April 7, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: NY becomes third state to legalize recreational marijuana through legislation – New Mexico likely next Recall against San Francisco school board members approved to circulate petitions Rep. Alcee Hastings dies NY becomes third state to legalize recreational…
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The next 24 hours What is changing in the next 24 hours? Georgia (Republican trifecta): Gov. Brian Kemp (R) will ease restrictions on businesses and individuals starting April 7. Under the new order, there will no longer be a ban on gatherings or any social distance requirements in businesses like bars, movie theaters, or gyms.…
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First quarter report on donor disclosure legislation Thus far this year, state legislatures have enacted two donor disclosure bills, down from six during the same period in 2019 and up from zero during the same period in 2020. Let’s take a closer look at how legislative activity in the first three months of 2021 compares…
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April 6, 2021: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) said that he opposed President Joe Biden’s (D) proposal to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% Every weekday, Ballotpedia is tracking key presidential appointments, executive actions, and policy developments from the Biden administration. There are no committee hearings scheduled Tuesday. The Senate stands adjourned until…
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ESG developments this week In Washington, D.C. Greater fund disclosure on voting behavior On March 17, then-acting-chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Allison Herren Lee, spoke to the Investment Company Institute, a fund trade group, on Commission plans to address the transparency of fund votes taken on shareholder proposals. She said: “There are two…
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Welcome to the Tuesday, April 6, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Your help is needed today Elections in nine states today How states select supreme court chief justices Your help is needed today As readers of the Brew, you are familiar with Ballotpedia’s unwavering commitment to providing timely,…
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The next 24 hours What is changing in the next 24/72 hours? Delaware (Democratic trifecta): Gov. John Carney (D) announced residents 16 and older will be eligible for vaccination starting April 6. Indiana (Republican trifecta): Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) announced March 23 he would end the statewide mask mandate on April 6. Holcomb said local…
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If you celebrate it, Happy Easter! We hope you enjoyed your weekend. Welcome to the Monday, April 5, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: COVID-19 policy changes and events – one year ago this week Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee nominates city council president as lieutenant governor SCOTUS to…