In 2024, voters in 35 states decided on 96 constitutional amendments, approving 60 (63%) and rejecting 36 (38%). The approval rate was the lowest since 2005, when voters approved 14 (54%) of the 26 amendments appearing on statewide ballots. From 2003 through 2024, odd-year election cycles featured a higher average approval rate for proposed constitutional…
Voters in Utah will decide on a constitutional amendment to provide the Utah State Legislature with explicit power to amend or repeal voter-approved ballot initiatives. The constitutional amendment would also ban foreign individuals, entities, or governments from influencing, supporting, or opposing initiatives and referendums. On Aug. 21, 2024, the Utah State Legislature referred the constitutional…
In Georgia, a constitutional amendment to create a new court, the Georgia Tax Court, will be on the ballot in Nov. 2024. The Georgia Tax Court would have concurrent jurisdiction with the state business court and superior courts in equity cases. A superior court could order the removal of a case to the business court…
The Florida State Legislature approved House Joint Resolution 7017, a constitutional amendment, on March 6. Voters will decide on the amendment at the general election in Nov. 2024. The amendment would provide for an annual inflation adjustment for the value of the homestead property tax exemption that applies to non-school taxes. The adjustment would be…
The Mississippi House of Representatives passed a proposed constitutional amendment that would create a new state initiative and referendum process. On Jan. 24, the constitutional amendment, House Concurrent Resolution 11, was passed 80-39. Among House Republicans, 78 voted ‘Yes’ and one voted ‘No’. Among House Democrats, 38 voted ‘No’ and one voted ‘Yes’. The one…
California voters will decide on a constitutional amendment that would repeal Proposition 8, and add language in the California Constitution stating that “the right to marry is a fundamental right,” on Nov. 5, 2024. Proposition 8 was a constitutional amendment approved by California voters by 52-47% in 2008 that defined marriage as between a man…