Tag: ballot measures

  • Signature costs for ballot initiatives increased in 2022

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    In 2022, ballot initiative campaigns spent $118.29 million to collect signatures for 29 initiatives in 12 states. The average cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) in 2022 was $12.70, an increase from $8.09 in 2020, $6.52 in 2018, and $6.93 in 2016. On November 8, voters in 37 states will decide 132 statewide ballot measures, of which, 30 were…

  • Ten statewide measures are on the ballot in Arizona

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    On November 8, Arizona voters will decide on 10 statewide ballot measures. This is the highest number of measures on the Arizona ballot since 2010, when there were 11 measures on the ballot. In 2020, the previous even-year election, there were two measures on the ballot, both of which were approved. This year’s measures are…

  • Bills introduced to change the initiative process increased in 2022, but those enacted decreased

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    Bills introduced to change the initiative process increased in 2022. However, fewer bills have been enacted in 2022 compared to 2021. The number of legislatively referred ballot measures related to initiatives also increased in 2022 compared to 2020. In 2022, Ballotpedia tracked 231 bills regarding ballot measure laws. Seventeen of these bills were passed and…

  • Five states to decide in November on legalizing recreational marijuana

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    In November, five more states will decide on marijuana legalization ballot measures. In the central U.S., voters in Arkansas, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota will consider citizen-initiated measures to legalize marijuana. These four states are Republican trifectas. In Maryland, which has a divided government, the state Legislature voted to put the issue before voters.…

  • San Francisco voters to decide 14 local ballot measures on November 8

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    Voters in San Francisco will decide 14 local ballot measures on November 8. Four measures are citizen initiatives and ten were referred to the ballot by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The measures address topics such as the ability to use vehicles in the JFK Promenade, parking in Golden Gate Park, expediting housing projects,…

  • Colorado voters to decide on three alcohol-related ballot initiatives in November

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    Coloradans will see three initiated measures – Initiatives 96, 121, and 122 – on the November ballot related to alcohol. The secretary of state announced that the measures qualified for the ballot on August 26. To qualify for the ballot, sponsors needed to submit 124,632 valid signatures for each proposal. Initiative 96 would incrementally increase…

  • Campaign to repeal a Massachusetts law related to driver’s license applications submits signatures ahead of the August 24 deadline

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    Fair and Secure Massachusetts submitted signatures on August 18 for a veto referendum to repeal House Bill 4805 (H4805), a bill to prohibit registrars from inquiring about an applicant’s citizenship or immigration status when applying for driver’s licenses and motor vehicle registrations. On June 9, 2022, the Massachusetts General Court overrode Gov. Charles Baker’s (R)…

  • Colorado to vote on housing programs initiative in November

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    Colorado voters will decide on an initiative to create a new State Affordable Housing Fund in November. Proponents submitted 230,748 signatures for the measure on August 4, 2022. On August 19, the Colorado secretary of state’s office announced that the initiative qualified for the ballot. Through random sample verification, 149,072 were projected to be valid.…

  • Campaigns for four ballot initiatives in Colorado submitted signatures by August 8 deadline and could appear on November ballot

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    Campaigns for four Colorado ballot initiatives submitted signatures by the August 8 signature deadline. Three of the initiatives would change state alcohol laws, and one initiative concerns revenue for housing projects. To qualify for the ballot, sponsors of each initiative needed to submit 124,632 valid signatures. Initiative 108 is being sponsored by Coloradans for Affordable…

  • Massachusetts voters will decide on two ballot initiatives this fall related to retail alcohol licensing and dental insurance

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    The Massachusetts Secretary of State completed the signature verification process for the second round of signatures submitted by campaigns for two ballot initiatives.  The Committee on Dental Insurance Quality is leading the campaign in support of a ballot initiative to establish a medical loss ratio for dental plans at 83% and require the insurer to…