The Guilford County Board of Commissioners is asking voters to approve a 0.25% local sales tax increase and a $1.7 billion school bond measure at the May 17 primary election. One measure would authorize the county to issue $1.7 billion in bonds for constructing new schools, improving and expanding existing schools, and school equipment. The…
Alabama voters will vote on 10 constitutional amendments in 2022. One measure, which would authorize $85 million in bonds to be issued for public historical sites and state parks, will be on the May 24 primary election ballot. The other nine amendments will appear on the Nov. 8 general election ballot. The legislature referred five…
St. Louis voters approved both measures on their ballots on Tuesday. According to final election night results, 84% of voters approved Proposition 1, a $50 million bond issue, and 69% of voters approved Proposition R, a citizen initiative concerning election law, redistricting, and conflicts of interest. Proposition 1 required a two-thirds (66.67%) majority, and Proposition…
The Kansas City Council referred all three measures to the April 5 ballot. According to final election night results, voters approved all three measures by over 70%. Voters approved Question 1 by 79.5% to 20.5%. Question 1 authorized the city to issue $750 million in revenue bonds for expanding, improving, and rehabilitating the city’s sanitary…
Jefferson City voters approved the only question on their ballot by 85% to 15% on April 5. The measure authorized the city to issue $44 million in revenue bonds for sewer system improvements, maintenance, and operations. The Jefferson City Council referred a bond measure to the ballot. A municipal revenue bond is debt security used…
On April 1, the Maryland General Assembly voted to refer a constitutional amendment to voters in November that would legalize marijuana for adults 21 years of age or older beginning in July 2023 and direct the state legislature to pass laws for the use, distribution, regulation, and taxation of marijuana. To put a legislatively referred…
The Georgia State Legislature voted to refer a constitutional amendment and a state statute to the 2022 ballot during the final days of the 2022 legislative session. The legislature adjourned from its 2022 session in the early morning hours of April 5. The constitutional amendment, passed unanimously in both chambers, would authorize local governments “to…
Voters will decide two ballot measures in St. Louis, three ballot measures in Kansas City, and one ballot measure in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 5. St. Louis: St. Louis voters will decide on a bond issue for capital improvement projects and a citizen-initiated measure concerning election law, redistricting, and conflicts of interest. Proposition 1,…
The Kansas Senate approved a constitutional amendment on March 23 that would allow the legislature to pass laws, which the governor could not veto, to revoke or suspend executive agencies’ rules and regulations. The state House passed the amendment on Feb. 21. With approval in the House and Senate, voters will decide the proposal at…
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger (R) declared that an initiative sponsored by North Dakota for Term Limits failed to qualify for the November ballot. The initiative would have enacted term limits in North Dakota for the governor and state legislators. The measure would have limited the governor to serving two terms and would…